Goliath strikes

For a brief moment there was calm between the two opponents. Neither of them made the first move and instead they looked at each other. Looking into the other person's soul in search of some kind of hidden weakness that not even their opponent knew about.

But it was short lived.

Oskar made the first move and charged at Cassie. Unlike someone else the same size as him, he was quick and Cassie barely avoided him by rolling to the side. Oskar continued his charge up the wall of the crater and maintained his momentum going around the outside before dipping back into the crater to charge at Cassie. This movement continued for a while as Oskar went up and down the sides of the crater and Cassie dodged and weaved around his charge.

Soon Oskar came to a halt breathing heavily. The continuous use of his ability, 'Aura Release', and running constantly was taking a heavy toll on his body. Yet Cassie showed little mercy and kicked him in the back of the knee. Oskar fell to his hands and knees leaving Cassie free to axe kick the back of his head and jump on his back to get him in a headlock. Oskar kicked about frantically trying to get Cassie off but she didn't let go.

It wasn't until he slowly rose up and jumped into the air that Cassie moved. Oskar went to crush her underneath his weight but she quickly created a clone on top of him and fused back the other one leaving Oskar to land on his back which knocked the air out of his lungs. Cassie punched him in the face but only got three solid hits in before Oskar grabbed his arm and flung her like a rag into the centre of the crater. Cassie landed on her feet but when she looked up at Oskar he was also standing and was in the middle of bringing his fist around to punch her in the face. It connected and she fell to the ground.

Cassie went to get up but Oskar planted his foot firmly on her head and began to push down. Cassie let out a tear as she realised that this was how she was going to die. Cassie tried to push the foot off or roll out from underneath but Oskar's strength was too much. Then something caught her eye.

Amy was leaning against a wall at the lab corridor entrance. She could barely stand and was looking into Cassie's eyes. 'You can do this' she mouthed. Amy slid down the wall and her eyes closed. Cassie's face turned from fear to confidence and she planted her hands either side of her body.

Cassie began to push upwards with all the strength left in her body and move. Her head rose off the ground and Oskar lost balance. Finally on her feet again, Cassie leapt into the air as two clones ran around behind Oskar and planted their shoulders on his back. This was the moment. The moment she unleashed her relented 'Mugen Fist'.

Arm reached out from behind her and she pummelled Oskar with each one. Unlike against Amy, Cassie didn't hold back and used every clone limb at her disposal to beat Oskar to a pulp. She felt and saw every fist collide with Oskar's body creating dents in his skin like boiling water.

Finally, Cassie landed and her two clones fused back with her. Oskar stumbled around a bit before coming to a swaying crouch. Cassie stepped closed and went for a finishing punch. It met it's mark but Oskar didn't fall. Instead he looked up with an insane grin and spun around on the spot. He kicked Cassie high up into the air.

Cassie lingered there for a moment and looked around. The sky was peaceful and she could see some teachers making their way into the forest to find out what was causing all the noise. But she didn't let herself be distracted for long. She looked down at Oskar and pulled back her fist. She cloned it as many times as she could to make one large mass of fists. It was even bigger than Oskar and she was bringing it down on him.

In a last effort, Oskar brought up his arms to block the blow but it was too much and he was smashed into the side of the crater leaving a fist shaped dent (with an Oskar shaped dent inside it) in the side of the crater. Oskar pulled himself out of the hole and limped over to Cassie. The red aura flickered out and he passed out at her feet.

Cassie quickly moved over to Amy to check if she was alright but quickly turned as the sound of something tumbling down the crater wall filled the nocturnal silence. Luke's motionless body was on the floor and above him was Doc Howard wearing some camouflage trousers and shirt.

"I was meant to only be recon but I thought I'd help you find your friend here. You may have slowed our plans to steal Cynthinia's child but we'll be back soon." he said. He jumped into the crater where Oskar was lying and picked him up onto his shoulder. Despite his frail looks, Doc Howard was easily about to carry Oskar and jump out of the crater Cassie with Luke and Amy.

The teachers finally arrived with torches and found the three students passed out and unconscious in the crater with heavy wounds.

Doc Howard was making his get-away passing through the barrier surrounding the school grounds and meeting up with two other people in camouflage. These people took Oskar off his hands and carried him into a nearby ditch. He had proven himself to now be worthless and the rest of his group would soon follow.

"So when do we continue with the plan?" asked one of the other camouflaged people. She was a young woman with short hair dyed red and orange.

"Just like the boss said. Tomorrow night while Cynthinia is busy sorting out the kids that did this mess." said the other gesturing to Oskar in the ditch. He was an older man like Doc Howard with similar grey hair but a much more muscular body. The three of them got in a car together and drove off leaving the school behind.