Amy cam to in a white bed in a small room. There were curtains either side of her placed to separate her bed from the ones next to her and a chair was placed facing her bed on one side.
"Hello?" asked Amy quietly. There was some loud rustling from behind the curtain on her right and it was grabbed from the other side. Cassie was on the other side and quickly moved to Amy's side once the curtain was out of her way. There was a quick embrace and Cassie sat down on the chair. Amy sat up in the bed and realised she was wearing a hospital gown with the school logo on it.
"I'm so glad you're OK! I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess and that it meant you got hurt. You were unconscious for the whole of yesterday but I think some of it was just you sleeping. Do you feel OK?" Cassie was as vibrant as the first day she and Amy met. Amy knew that now Oskar and the others weren't going to be a problem things would start looking up for Cassie.
"Yeah, I'm OK. How's Luke?" Cassie nodded to the other curtain.
"He hasn't woken up yet. Turns out that using two abilities at the same time causes the same amount of mental strain as copying four abilities. Let alone split into multiple clones and use it."
"Will he be OK? Eventually?"
"Yeah! Luke's tough. He'll just need some extra time to recover ... maybe an extra day or two?"
It was a few more hours until the two of them were discharged. They'd have to check in again the next day for a check up but for now they'd be fine. Cassie got off with no major injuries and the nurse was still stuck on how Amy got out of a fight with Oskar blocking all his attacks without any broken bones. For now though, they were on their way to the head's office to sort out what would happen after this ... incident.
"Take a seat girls." said Cynthinia as she put on some round glasses and skimmed over some sheets of paper. "Well, this is quite the predicament. I must say I am very disappointed in the both of you. Especially since we are so close to closing down."
"What do you mean?" asked Cassie.
"Well, not only did you attack Oskar and his friends but you also trespassed on an out of bounds area. Oskar's body still hasn't been found and you two are close to being murder suspects!" explained Cynthinia. Neither of the girls said a thing until Cassie went to defend them.
"Who gave the idea that we attacked THEM! THEY attacked US!" said Cassie.
Cynthinia slid small pile of paper to them.
"We have thirteen people saying otherwise. All of them say that you attacked Oskar, chased him into the woods and when his friends tried to split it up you attacked them too. I have to say Amy, this is not the kind of behaviour that I want coming from my husband's goddaughter." said Cynthinia.
"But-" started Amy but Cynthinia cut her off.
"You two can say nothing! Nothing will change these facts! As of today, you two are expelled and are to leave the premises by midday tomorrow! Now get out of my office and start packing!" yelled Cynthinia.
Amy looked at Cassie expecting her to jump in but she just hung her head and stood up. Amy quickly caught up to her as she walked out the room and grabbed her arm to spin her around.
"What are you doing!? Those people were obviously forced to lie about what they saw and you saw that Doctor Howard took Oskar away! Come on Cassie! Tell her she wrong!" pleaded Amy. Cassie yanked her arm free of Amy's grasp and pushed her back.
"You don't get it do you?! I don't get my happy ending! No one has believed me ever since I first went for help and it isn't going to change now! NOBODY WILL LISTEN TO ME AND NOBODY EVER WILL! Teachers have never cared who is telling the truth and just want to find the easiest way to remove it from their to-do list! So just give up and start packing up because you have no power over their judgement! You don't even belong here without an ability." said Cassie and she stormed off to the female dormitory.
Amy clenched her fist and looked at Cynthinia's door. She will get Cassie's voice heard if Cynthinia liked it or not.
Amy thrust the door to Cynthinia's office open it slammed into the wall. Cynthinia nearly fell out of her seat and looked furious.
"What do you-" she was now the one cut off as Amy kicked a chair out of the way and slammed her hands on Cynthinia's desk.
"YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT BUT YOU WILL SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, AND LISTEN FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE! You are not a goddess to me and you are certainly not the goddess of judgement. I have seen what those horrible people have done to Cassie they have been getting away with it for too long. SO SUCK UP YOUR PRIDE AS A GODDESS AND BE A TEACHER AND DO SOMETHING! Please." said Amy.
"You dare come in here in that manner, tell me to shut up, disrespect me as both a goddess and as a teacher, and have the audacity to tell me what to do in defence of your friend. Your truly are just like your grandfather." replied Cynthinia. She sighed. "Tell you what. As a favour for a family friend, I'll look into getting someone to check everyone's statements and you two aren't expelled. HOWEVER, if we find that you are in fact guilty then there will be no mercy and you'll be removed immediately."
"Thank you! Thank you so much Cynthinia!"
Amy rushed out of the room but came back just as quickly to pick up the chair she kicked over and gently close the door.