A mother's drive

Abigail woke up slowly feeling the her skin stick to the sheets of the bed from how sweaty she was. It was hot. Way too hot. Not only that, but she was inside a metal box about 15 metres long and 3 metres wide. Lined along the wall was bunk bed after bunk bed and only two windows low to the ground provided light. And outside the sound of running and laughter of children mixed in with the calls of birds, the rustle of leaves, and the distant sound of rain.

Abigail pulled herself up onto her feet but fell right back down again. She had barely any strength left in her body but it was enough to carry her up and out of the oven she was in. Her hand gripped the door handle and she push the door open. If she had been just a few seconds slower the burning metal her hand lay on would have notified her that the oven she was in was actually several degrees cooler than the wilderness outside.

It was boiling and humid. Every movement of her eyes was blinding as the sun squeezed it's light through even the tiniest of gaps in the leaves above to shine directly into her face. Speaking of which, Abigail instantly noticed the seemingly endless amount of trees that surrounded them. The sizes all seems to tower over them with plants that looked like ivy growing up the trunks and large-leaved plants sat at the bottom. Colourful birds sat high in the trees creating dots of red, yellow, and blue in the distance. The area she was in was a camp of sorts with three large, identical, metal boxes like the one she was just in. Two of them were set up with bunk beds while the third had some cookery utensils and a food storage that formed the temporary sleeping and food buildings. In the centre of all three of them was a clear area where the remaining students were happily running around playing.

"Abigail! You're awake!" yelled Cynthinia as she leapt onto Abigail's back in a joyful hug. The two of them collapsed onto the ground but were caught by William with the moisture in the air while he watched over the students running around. "Sorry, I guess you haven't fully recovered yet. So, how do you like it? A small emergency camp set up in the middle of the Amazon rain forest. Sure, it's hot but it's a price to pay for safety." Cynthinia helped Abigail walk over to a set of chairs beside the clearing and sat her down.

"You must be pretty proud of yourself. If it wasn't for you turning up and protecting us all on your own none of these students would've made it." said Cynthinia. Abigail thought deeply about what to say in reply. She could take all the glory but if it wasn't for that figure... James? But he was dead... One of the pyrokenisis experiments? But they were all destroyed years ago...

"Well, it wasn't easy but at least Amy and everyone else is alright." said Abigail finally. Cynthinia froze up. Right, Amy. "Where is she? Is she off reading a book in the corner or something?"

"Abigail ... I-I" started Cynthinia. Abigail turned to Cynthinia with confusion filling her face.

"What?" asked Abigail.

"Well it's ... it's just that..."

"It's just what?" Abigail sounded more serious as she repeated Cynthinia.

"Everything was going wrong and I-I couldn't-"

"Tell me what's going on Cynthinia?!" demanded Abigail "Where is my daughter!?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!" Cynthinia yelling caused all the students to stop running and even William turned in shock. "She got thrown into the air by and explosion and I caught her with a portal! But I don't know where it sent her! She could be anywhere on this planet!"

"So do you just not care about where you send people's daughter's! Do you not care about how a mother feels about losing their only child!? Of course you wouldn't ... you're a terrible mother!"

"OH! You are one to talk! You're the one who didn't tell her daughter about her grandfather! She doesn't even know that his name is James Kendrickson!"

The second Cynthinia blurted out the truth every student began whispering and murmuring about James. Others exclaimed in shock about how Abigail was James' daughter.

"That's THE James Kendrickson's daughter!"

"So that Amy girl is his granddaughter!?"

"Is she as powerful as he was?!"

"That's probably why she never used her ability!"

"And how she was able to fight Oskar without getting injured as much!"

"You need to calm down!" said William in a hushed voice to Cynthinia and Abigail.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" shouted the two of them back at him.

"Why don't you try making yourself useful for once and make me a portal so I can go find her!" shouted Abigail.

"Oh and be rid of you for once! It's my dream! But you'll just come crawling back for help like you did with Amy! Not only that, but that alien ship that appeared left a little present in the form of a planet wide satellite network that's searching for high level energy signatures! The best I can do is create a single portal to a destination of your liking which mean if we have to make any more our location will be found." explained Cynthinia.

"That's all I need. I know who I need to talk to to find Amy. Just get me there and it'll be over." Abigail told Cynthinia the desired location and the portal formed under Abigail's feet. She fell through in shock which got a small laugh out of Cynthinia. She turned to the students that were still standing idly and told them to go back to playing.

Meanwhile, Cassie and Luke were sitting on a fallen tree frozen in shock from the information. It was still taking them a while process what they had just learnt but it sounded like one of them had shared a room with and become the friend of the granddaughter of James Kendrickson. While the other had formed an alliance with and fought along side the granddaughter of James Kendrickson.

"So, Amy is actually famous." said Luke through all the shock.

"Yeah, and now she's missing." realised Cassie.