
It had been a couple of days since Aniello had landed on the island. He joined Amy in working in the pub and things were looking quite good for him. Maybe his idea of ditching everything he had lived for wasn't such a bad idea and that this simpler lifestyle was the one for him. He had contemplated changing his name to something like Alex to fit in with this planet more but it would've too confusing.

For Amy, she was starting to forget about going home and reuniting with Cassie, Luke, and her mother. It wasn't that she didn't want to go back home but rather that she enjoyed being on the island so much more. She loved the freedom of being able to go out and explore as well as meeting all the different people who came on their boats. To her, it was like a holiday where she could stay for as long as she wanted.

Joseph's experiences since Amy arrived and then Aniello were... new. It could just be the fact that Joseph was starting to not take his medication but since Amy and Aniello turned up he was feeling happier and more energetic. However, he always kept a bottle of his medication with him just in case. If anything happened because of his decision he just wouldn't be able to live with himself. In terms of the night when Aniello arrived, the morning after he started devoted himself to researching the connection between Aniello and Amy. There hadn't been any more instances of them acting strangely when around each other but whenever they got closer a noticeable connection was happening.

Which is why we arrive where we are now. After realising the connection was happening between their abilities, Joseph closed the pub for a day to try and further his understanding of their abilities and why they were reacting with one another.

"What do you mean neither of you know what your abilities are?!" exclaimed Joseph. He had taken the three of them to the cliff at the north edge of the island where they wouldn't be disturbed by people from the town. "Have you had no instances where something happened you can't explain?"

"Well, I think there was one time I was able to block multiple attacks from someone with an ability to control momentum. Apparently it was a great thing I got out without any broken bones." explained Amy. She then crossed her arms and looked at Joseph curiously. "Why are you so suddenly interested in our abilities anyway?"

"Because I think their's a connection between each of your abilities which is the reason you two started to glow after you first met." said Joseph. Amy and Aniello both became shocked and curious.

"How do you know about that night?" asked Aniello.

"I was in the room when it happened. It's not hard to miss two people starting to glow in the middle of the night! Look if neither of you truly know what you're ability is, wouldn't you like to find out? I'm sure I can help." proposed Joseph. Aniello and Amy looked at each other then back at Joseph before sighing and nodding in agreement.

"But I went to multiple doctors and the Asurian Sanctuary but no one could figure out what my ability was. How can you be so confident?" asked Amy. Joseph donned a smile only a person who knew they were going make another eat their words would don.

"I confident because I'm not afraid to do what those teachers and doctors were afraid to do. Practical experimentation! Just watch!" Joseph called as he jogged backward a few feet and reached down to pick something off the ground. "You said that you were able to block relatively strong attacks right?!"

"Yeah! Why!?" queried Amy. She soon found out as Joseph twisted around slightly and then turned quickly to throw a rock towards her at high speed. Amy had no time to react as she covered her head with her arms and closed her eyes.

Nothing happened.

Had Joseph missed?

Amy uncovered her head and opened her eyes just in time to see the rock fall from being seemingly frozen in midair. She looked at Aniello to see if he had anything to do with it but he was frozen in shock and awe.

"See! I know what I'm doing! However we will need to do some secondary tests to find the full extent of your ability. Now for you Aniello! You ready?!" called Joseph. He reached down and picked something up off the floor. Aniello moved around a bit to ready himself while Amy backed up a little bit. Joseph looked at his wrist and threw the thing in his hand away while he walked back to Aniello and Amy.

"What's going on?" asked Aniello looking a little disappointed.

"Sorry, I just remembered I have a delivery of casks coming in twenty minutes. We need to get back to town. We'll continue this afterwards though so don't feel left out." explained Joseph. The three of them started walking through the forest back to town with Joseph leading the way. Amy was wondering how Joseph was able to throw that rock so fast even though he didn't really have any muscle. It was while inspecting his arm that she noticed it.

"Hang on, you don't have a watch! How did you know what time it is?!" exclaimed Amy. Joseph spun around with a concealed rock in his hand and threw it at Aniello who attempted to smack it away. The rock did change trajectory as Aniello hit it but sped up rapidly and shot straight through a tree nearby.

"Experiment and learn. Amy's ability activated as a reflex so I hoped yours would too." said Joseph.

"HOPED! You could've killed me with that if you were wrong!" yelled Aniello. His anger was short lived however as the tree the rock had shot through began to loudly crack and strain. A nearby deer recognising Joseph as the friendly man would petted them started to walk closer but was frozen in place by fear as the tree suddenly gave way and began falling in it's direction. Amy and Aniello both began running to help but they weren't fast enough.

All was silent and felt like slow motion as the two of them willed with all their might for their abilities to help save the deer. The silence was broken by a loud 'boom' and they closed their eyes in fear. A burst of wind blew them to the ground and they were showered but small chunks of wood. Amy and Aniello opened their eyes and watched as Joseph stood crouched over the deer. The trunk of the tree lay in two pieces with the middle section obliterated into tiny fragments around him. The deer ran off as Joseph rose and turned to Amy and Aniello breathing heavily while blue fire receded into his body. Nobody knew how to react as Joseph began crying in the centre of his power.