Pity Outing Ⅲ

The rest of the day is spent walking around Cokeworth and watching a film at the local Cinema. Rowan had not been interested in the film, "Hennessy," so while they all went to watch the film, she had instead ended up watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show all by herself. It had been an enjoyable movie to watch, but at times, all the singing was simply too much for her.

Rowan's film had ended earlier than theirs and seeing the time, she crossed the street and wandered over to the local bookstore to pick up some good fiction books to read. What could she say, she still loved the classical fantasy writers! The wizarding world did not know what they were missing!

However, most of her favorite author's works would not be published for some time. Robert Asprin would not have his first book of the MythAdvenuter's series, Another Fine Myth published until 1978. Or like Terry Pratchett from the Discworld series, The Color of Magic would not come out until 1983. And a vast majority wouldn't begin to crop until the '90s and beyond. Still, there were plenty of authors still left to choose from the children's author, Roald Dahl to the great classic's like F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Happily leaving with a large pile of books in great big bags, Rowan turns the corner out of sight and shrinks her parcels into her bag, before keeping a book under her arm to read. She makes her way to the park and sits down on a bench to read. As promised, she waits at the park until the movie is almost over. Glancing at her watch, she saves her spot with a bookmark, before closing the book shut.

Making her way to the meeting area, Rowan takes a seat at the outdoor patio of the hamburger and chips joint. It does not take long for Petunia and Andrew to arrive. "So, where's Lily and Severus?"

Petunia glances at her boyfriend and says, "Andrew be a dear, and go and buy us two vanilla malt's."

"Right," Andrew said understanding that the girls wanted him gone. He quickly trots over to wait in the long line to order two vanilla milkshakes and a strawberry one for himself.

"He's planning to confess Lily, isn't he?" Petunia flatly said as she folded her arms over her chest.

"Yes," Rowan sighed. "I would have had him wait, but despite his new look and all-."

Seeing Rowan pause, Petunia frowns and says, "But you're afraid he won't have a chance because of that Potter boy?"

"Exactly," Rowan said in a monotone voice. "I'd rather he be rejected outright than to never have the opportunity to express his true feelings to Lily.

Petunia purses her lips and says, "Truthfully, I always thought he would win Lily over in the end. But like you said, I only know about the Potter boy because Lily talks about him all the time. There's a very good chance that the Potter boy will win, isn't there?"

"He's attractive enough, I suppose," Rowan admitted out loud. "And he's in the same house as her. It certainly has made it a great deal easier for him to be alone with Lily. And most importantly, Lily doesn't see him as a childhood friend, unlike Severus."

"Ah, yes, the ever so sneaky, treacherous trap of friendship," Petunia sniffed. "Well, I suppose if that's the case, I'll be nice to Severus just this once. He'll be heartbroken, no doubt."

"Yes, he will," Rowan whispered with a sad gleam in her eyes.

Petunia slowly says, "You don't want him to fail, do you?"

"He's my twin brother," Rowan sagely replied as she stared into the bright colored sunset sky. "I've always only wanted him to be happy. And he's always loved Lily ever since we were children."

Petunia looks away to glance at Andrew, who was giving his order to the cashier. "If I ever had to say anything nice about Severus is that he always only looked at Lily. I have always been envious of that fact and especially how he always looked at Lily with stars in his eyes. I'm not anymore, but still, I'll give him credit for that much."

"Yes, well, he's always had a one-track mind," Rowan wryly replied with a dim smile.

The two of them fell silent and simply watched the crowd. Andrew returns not long after with their three milkshakes. The three of them sip their milkshakes and wait for Severus and Lily. Tragically, but not wholly unexpected only the figure of Severus can be seen. And worst of all the heartbroken expression on his face.

Rowan politely says goodbye to Petunia and Andrew. Petunia nods in understanding as Andrew quietly called out his goodbye. Leaving her half-eaten milkshake behind, Rowan merely takes Severus's hand and drags him off to the place where he and Lily used to meet at. It was their spot.

The two of them just sit there in silence until Severus croaks, "Don't worry, I won't cry."

"Do you need too?" Rowan asked.

"No," Severus shook his head. "But I wish it didn't hurt so bad."

Rowan eyes his pained expression and says, "I am sorry for what it's worth."

Rowan eyes his pained expression and says, "I am sorry for what it's worth."

"I know," Severus offered her a weak painfilled grin. "I knew she was going to say that from the moment I told her, but still, I had to try."

"Let me guess, she doesn't like you like that, but wants to stay friends?"


"And do you think the two of you can actually stay friends, Severus? I do not mean to imply anything, but Lily will surely start dating someone soon. She's popular and there's James to consider too."

"I know, but I had to try."

Rowan does not ask anything more and instead pulls Severus towards her for him to rest his head on her neck. The two of them just sit there as the tree shadows grow longer and the sunsets over the horizon. The tip of the sun was just peeking through, before the mutely got up and headed over to the Abbott's home to return.

It had been a long day and they both needed their rest. The Abbott's happily waved goodbye to them as Tadbey came to pick them up. Tadbey must have noticed something was wrong and did not ask, why neither of them was hungry nor why they were retiring early for the night.

In the end, Severus ended up climbing into bed with her that night. If he sighed every now and again, Rowan did not say a single word. She merely just hugged his back and listened in silence. It was all she could do and sometimes that is all one can do for their loved one. No matter how frustrating the situation might or how we wish we can fix it, all we can at times is merely sit there and listen.