Artemio Home

Having finished with the last of his business in England, Kain Shafiq readied himself for his return home. There were many things to be done in the passing months as the entire Shafiq household would be moving and returning to their home in Great Britain. That and he wished to spend time with his own family before the moving preparations completely overwhelmed them. However, there was one more place he had to visit before his return home.

It was a warm summer afternoon when Kain Shafiq floo'd to the home of his wife's uncle and aunt's, Mr. and Mrs. Artemio. The elderly couple had kept the family home and had handed over the ancestral home to their eldest and only remaining child, their firstborn son. Their second-born son, Fogey Artemio had tragically passed away in a tragic accident mere days after having graduated from Hogwarts.

Having already sent word that he would be visiting the elderly couple, the instant that Kain Shafiq emerged from the floo hearth he was greeted by warm smiles and greetings from the elderly couple. Mr. Artemio the blood uncle of Sophornia, the wife of Shafiq, was now a hunched over bald, spotted man with a great deal of many wrinkles. While Mrs. Artemio had a bit of a saggy chin, but a warm, sad smile. The death of her youngest child had hit her particularly hard and it still showed even after all these years.

"It has been so very long, Kain!" Mrs. Artemio wiggled her fingers at him as if chiding a naughty child. "You should have visited sooner. And where is my favorite niece and your wonderful children?"

"I am alone in England on business," Shafiq replied as he took her hand and gave it a brief kiss. "But I have good news that I am certain will absolutely delight you. As Zael will be starting Hogwarts within the next upcoming school year, we will be returning to Britain until he has completed his schooling. I am certain that Sophorina and our still yet unwed daughters will be frequent visitors to your residence."

"How absolutely wonderful!" Mrs. Artemio beamed with sincere joy at the news. "In that case, I must make my own preparations to show them a delightful time."

"I am certain that will not be necessary, Aunt. Sophorina positively adores you as do my daughters," Shafiq replied as he stepped back and nodded to his uncle via marriage. "And Uncle, how are you?"

"I am well, thank you," Mr. Artemio patiently replied, before gesturing to the nearby parlor room. "Let us continue our conversation over an icy pitcher of tea and some refreshing lemon tarts to deal with the heat."

"Naturally, after you," Shafiq graciously accepted as he followed the aunt and uncle of his wife to the parlor room.

Mrs. Artemio quickly pours them a drink of ice-cold tea, before taking a nibble out of the lemon tart. Making small talk, Shafiq appreciatively says, "I must commend your house elves, Aunt. They are even better than before."

"Of course," Mrs. Artemio said with a beaming smile. "I sent them to Hogwarts to be properly be retrained as it's all very much the rage in high society. And now, the house elves comport themselves as proper beings, why it is like they are almost civilized really!"

"Ah yes, I have heard of the trend," Shafiq admitted as he had as of late seen a great deal of house elves wearing neat uniforms and comporting themselves in a most exemplary manner. In fact, he was certain that once his wife learned of the fashion trend, she too would send their house elves to be trained.

Though he had learned that all these house elves now at least had one day off per month and were given a monthly stipend to see to their needs usually a galleon or two. It was most shocking, but according to his acquaintances not only did the house elves put forth more effort into their work. But always returned with new knowledge such as beauty massages and other talents such as fine wine brewers. It was a rather startling fact, but something one was gradually becoming accustomed too.

The subject changes over to Shafiq's children as he replies to their questions, "With Sihaya graduating this year from Beauxbatons and Serana having one more year left, Serana will finish her seventh year at Hogwarts. It will be a bit of a disappointment to her, but I am certain that she will be thrilled to meet a few more potential suitors," Shafiq sincerely replied with a bright smile.

Indeed, he very much wanted to see if his daughter could tie their household to the Prince's via Severus Prince. The boy was attractive enough in the typical Prince fashion, and more importantly, was not a womanizer. That and the boy was brilliant if his apprenticeship to Professor Dumbledore was anything to go by. And Serena was not only a great beauty but rather gifted herself. She would without a doubt be a Ravenclaw just like her mother.

The three of them chatted over a few more things before Shafiq finally tentatively broached the subject. "Aunt, I am sorry to bring up such a sore subject, but was Fogey corresponding with anyone shortly before his death? I apologize for my rudeness, but something was recently was brought to my attention that required further investigation."

Mrs. Artemio's face pales with old sorrow before a weary expression appears on her face. "Not that I can recall, but his Gryffindor friend in his same year was simply grief-stricken when he heard the tragic news," Mrs. Artemio lamented. "What was his name?"

Mrs. Artemio made a face, before at last recalling the name. "Ah, yes, Ariel Zephyros. Why I do believe that I have heard that from the mouth of one of our grandchildren, but from what I cannot recall?" There is a pause until Mrs. Artemio's face finally brightens and says, "He is presently a Professor at Hogwarts. I believe he teaches Divination."

"Why the sudden question, Kain?" Mr. Artemio sharply asked the husband of his niece.

"I just found it rather odd that a Venomous Tentacula did Fogey in," Shafiq admitted. "Fogey received an Outstanding on his Herbology exam and should have easily been able to recognize the plant. It just seems so strange now in happenstance."

Mr. Artemio sighs with old grief. "Indeed, as did we. But there were never any signs of anything suspicious. Fogey simply fell asleep late over his books as he usually did and had forgotten to put the plant away. It was a simple accident, but one that broke our hearts."