Slug Club Banquet Upshot Ⅱ

The centaur, Ronan carefully takes the witch before him. The witch is rather thin and wears a leaf-green cloak. She wore rather large glasses which only served to magnify her eyes. The witch did not wear many adornments, but he was able to spot at least an amethyst ring on her hand and that of a moonstone bracelet. Both wore excellent magical conductors, a piece of jewelry that not many wizards nor witches nowadays wore.

"She is your companion?" Ronan pointedly asked the witch.

The witch flushes in embarrassment and slowly lowers her wand. Releasing the hem of her skirt, Sybill replies, "I was nervous, so I thought to see what Ailroumancy might reveal," she paused. "You wouldn't happen to be the assistant Professor for Divination, would you?"

Sybill flushes even more mortification at her rude words. "I apologize for my lack of manners," she said in a fluster. "My name is Sybill Trelawney, and I am the new Divination Professor. Who might you be?"

"Ronan," the centaur simply replied. "And I have been requested to aid in the teaching Divination, and in turn am honored to answer the call."

"That is rather kind of you to say," Sybill said misunderstanding Ronan's reply, before muttering, "Nox." The bright light at the end of her wand goes out plunging into utter darkness for a moment. Their eyes adjust to the dim light emitted from the torches lighting the front gate, and those from the castle windows.

Ronan hoofs clatter loudly against the cobblestones as he approaches the witch. With care, he hands the purring beast in his arms over to the witch named Sybill. Sybill carefully takes Miss Arlo from the centaur's arms. Miss Arlo lets out an unhappy meow at being removed from her new favorite being.

Sybill firmly places Miss Arlo back into her cat carrier and closes it shut lest Miss Arlo gets other ideas. From inside the carrier, Miss Arlo lets out an unhappy howl, before curling up in silence. Miss Arlo would be certain to give her human the cold shoulder upon being let out of her enclosure.

Ronan lifts his gaze to stare at the heavens that are partially covered by trails of clouds signaling that a strong winter storm follows. Seeing the centaur staring at the sky, Sybill pauses to make small talk before entering the castle. This was her co-professor, and she wanted to be on better terms with him.

Too nervous to use her practiced, soft, misty, ethereal voice, Sybil nervously says, "Cepheus & Cassiopeia are circumpolar tonight along with Andromeda and Cetus. I always thought it was a terrible Greek tale that these constellations were named after. What parents permit for their daughter Andromeda to be chained to a rock for the sea monster Cetus to consume and appease the gods. At least Perseus in the end rescued her, but still, it is not a terribly kind familial tale."

Ronan pulls his gaze from the heavens and reassesses the witch named Sybill Trelawney. For a magical human, she was not too terrible. She at least knew the stars and trusted in that which read. Perchance this year would not be so terrible in the accompany of this witch.

"Madam-," Ronan politely begins to say before he is cut off.

"Sybill would be just fine," Sybill shyly interrupted. "We are co-professors after all."

"Sybill," Ronan said, "may I help carry thy feline companion?"

"Thank you," Sybill happily said before bending down and letting out a small huff. Miss Arlo's cat carrier was a tad heavy. She carefully handed the carrier to the handsome, bare-chested centaur.

Ronan carefully takes the cat carrier, before Sybill grabs her carpetbag. "I am certain that Professor Dumbledore is waiting inside," she said, before leading the way inside.

Indeed, Professor Albus Dumbledore was waiting just inside the doors next to the shining suits of armor. There was a child-like twinkle in his blue eyes as he peeked at the two of them from behind half-moon spectacles. "Welcome Professor Trelawney, and Ronan to Hogwarts," he said causing his moon and star robes to rustle.

Tugging on his long white beard that is tucked into his belt, Professor Dumbledore says, "The students have already had their dinner, but if the two of you are hungry, you may summon the house elves to bring food to your quarters. The house elves can fulfill almost any type of request and then more. They've been most spontaneous as of late, but they are very hungry to learn of the world about them. A rather wonderful sight to see."

Professor Dumbledore ceases to pull on his beard, before turning his gaze much more solemnly at them. "The two of you shall be presented tomorrow to the staff and students during brunch," he explained. "I shall show the two of you to your personal quarters and your classrooms. Though I must admit, I am surprised to see you here this evening, Ronan. I thought you preferred to reside in the evening with your herd."

"A strong winter storm will arrive later tonight and go on past this morning and well until the afternoon," Ronan truthfully replied. "The Shaman did not wish for shame to be brought to the herd. Therefore, I set out this evening and shall reside within the castle until the storm is past."

"Wonderful, I am glad that I had the house elves prepare your quarters then," Professor Dumbledore most cheerfully said, before leading past the winding staircase to a classroom nearby.

"The ceiling has been enchanted much like the Great Hall to reflect the sky," Professor Dumbledore explained as he pointed at the classroom that currently reflected the night sky. The classroom itself is full of sitting cushions, and a cupboard full of crystals, and other items for Divination usage. There are many potted plants carefully placed by the house elves and donated from Professor Sprout's sheds to give the classroom more of a natural feeling.

Ronan lets out a small nod of approval at the sight of the plants as he would have felt beret from nature otherwise. He lifts up his head and sniffs the air, before smelling the scent of a mix of lavender, lemongrass, and eucalyptus burning in an incense lamp. A feeling of comfort overcame him as the scent reminded him of the herd. He would always be part of the herd, no matter where he might go.

"The classroom is pleasing, Professor Dumbledore," Ronan said as he opened his eyes and turned to gaze at the white-haired, powerful, elderly wizard. "You and the house elves have my gratitude."

"I am glad, Ronan," Professor Dumbledore beamed. "I shall let the house elves; they will be most pleased with your words. Now let me show you to your personal quarters, they are just next door."

Professor Dumbledore reached a hand into the pouch that hung on his belt. "Normally, we don't have professor quarters on the first floor, but as a result, they must be magically locked," he explained. "The children are a bit too mischievous at times."

With a loud click, Ronan's quarters fall open as Professor Dumbledore steps aside and allows Ronan to enter first. Ronan's eyes widen as the inside of the room is covered and shaped like a centaur tent. There are various cushions set out against the ground including a thick carpet and blankets. There is a high bookshelf along with a small hearth with a door at the end of the room.

"The house elves ensured that there is a bathing pool beyond the door large enough to accommodate someone of your girth, Ronan," Professor Dumbledore said causing Ronan's hoofs to softly paw against the floor with pleasure.

Centaurs were considered by wizards and witches to be barbaric even lecherous, but centaurs were fastidious about cleanliness nor were they lecherous for they were loyal for life to their mate. Centaurs regularly bathed in the rivers and large pools to keep clean even in the middle of winter for a smelly centaur was looked upon by other centaurs. It was a grave social faux pas.

"I am sincerely thankful, Professor Dumbledore," Ronan said inclining his red head towards the elderly wizard. "Please convey my gratitude to the house elves."

A loud meow startles them all as Sybill flushes brightly from the doorway. "I think, it's time that Miss Arlo is returned to me," she quietly said pointing to the cat carrier in Ronan's arms.

"I had forgotten," Ronan simply said, before trotting over and handing the cat carrier to the thin witch.

"It was a simple error," Sybill said with a shake of her head as she accepted the heavy cat carrier. "And it was you, who was doing me the favor, not I."

Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkle even brighter and says, "Well, let us leave, Ronan to rest Professor Trelawney," he paused to hand the golden key to the quarters over to Ronan.

"Let me show you to your quarters as Professor Trelawney as tomorrow will be a very long day. Until tomorrow, Ronan!" Professor Dumbledore said, before leading the way to the second floor.

Sybill moves to follow Professor Dumbledore, but not before pausing to glance back at the centaur, before fiercely blushing and rushing after Professor Dumbledore. Ronan's eyes follow the witch with a bit of confusion evident in his gaze. He did not know nor understand why, but he found the witch rather pretty like one of the mares from his herd. It was most strange, and it rather impossible idea to conceive!

Shaking his head, Ronan closes the door and sets his pack down. He would take a refreshing bath that would calm him down. Still, his mind would occasionally return to the thin witch with magnifying glasses. Most tales between centaurs and wizardkind ended in tragedy or horror especially those romantically inclined. Still, there were always the occasional tales that said otherwise and even myths are based on long ago forgotten tales.