Extended Invitation

The minute hand was halfway to the 10 o'clock hour. The shadows were long in Reginald Prince's study as the grandfather clock in the corner ticked away. Reginald pensively read the documents before him on his study by the light of the orange of the fireplace and magical lamps. He received a rather interesting bit of news from the Intelligence offices that were located near the Shafiq shipping branches overseas.

Various wizarding ministries around the world were more than intrigued by the potential of the Auto-Database, the Magical Brain, and Wiz Link. Wizarding ministries were considering agreeing to a beneficial trade with the British Ministry of Magic in order to learn the technology and have it implanted in their own country. With the British Ministry of Magic having the upper hand there was quite the potential to obtain expensive materials including potion ingredients at a cheaper cost. It would certainly benefit many potion guilds and further cause brilliant potion masters and others from around the world to immigrate for a time to their land. In turn, merchants would follow followed by others which would further revitalize the British Ministry of Magic.

With such an event and transition there always followed a change in power, Reginald could sense it in his bones. It had been a most excellent choice for Georgine to bind herself to the Avery family. Considering the shares that the Avery family owed in the shipping industry and that of Shafiq's large shipping enterprise they would only stand to gain. In fact, all those with shares in the shipping and trade business would be the ones gaining wealth.

A loud popping sound startles Reginald as he turns towards the study door and hears a loud knock. "Enter," he instructed setting the documents he was reading aside.

The small form of a male house elf can be seen at the door, Tadbey to be precise. His blue overalls are crisp, his white ironed shirt freshly starched. His large ears are no longer full of hair neatly trimmed away. His bare, hairy toes stick out at the bottom of his overalls, while his spectacles hanging from the tip of his very long nose.

"What is it Tadbey?" Reginald asked. "It is rather late."

"I apologize for the interruption at this late hour, but I was summoned by Miss Georgine to Hogwarts and requested to deliver immediately a letter. Miss Georgine stated that it was urgent, and the letter could not be sent via owl," Tadbey explained as he carefully placed the letter on Reginald's desk.

Reginald took the letter and a silver letter opener from the first drawer of his desk. The wax seal of his sister's letter is unbroken and shows the Prince family coat of arms, a Wyvern wrapped around a dagger. Carefully breaking the wax seal with the letter opener, he says, "Dawn commented that your nephew came to visit again yesterday with Edwyn in tow. I hope it was a mere visit and anything else. I have already accepted Peregrine Mulciber's oath of loyalty in exchange for protection for Gringotts ensured that the binding oath was more binding even that of an unbreakable vow," he deliberately paused and coolly stared at Tadbey. "Or is there something else that I should be made aware of?"

Tadbey is silent for a moment, before bowing deeply. "It is not my place to speak of, sir," he firmly answered.

Reginald lets out a snort as he removes his sister's letter from the envelope. "It is plain as day that that child was born out of wedlock from one of Damian Mulciber's many romps before his premature death. Still, the child, Edwyn had been officially recognized by Peregrine and that is what truly matters. No matter what his parentage may be even that of a house elf, he will still be considered with the full rights of a wizard."

Tadbey stiffens in shock and raises his gaze to meet the cool gaze of Reginald. "Children between wizards and house elves is nothing new, Tadbey. It is not the first time in history such an incident has occurred nor will it be the last. The only unusual difference, in this case, is that in this instant the child was not hidden away as a pariah, but instead was openly accepted."

"My apologies, sir, I mean no respect," Tadbey sincerely replied, before bowing again.

"I understand that you are sensitive about your old family, the Mulciber's, Tadbey, but I am not them," Reginald pointedly reminded the house elf. "I have paid for your services, and not in accord, you have unfortunately in this manner. However, do remember in turn that your loyalty belongs to this family."

"It will not happen again, sir," Tadbey promised with a stiff expression, before straightening back up.

"I do not mind your nephew, nor that child continues to visit," Reginald dismissively said. "but I cannot tolerate falsehoods under the roof of Prince Manor."

"Understood, sir," Tadbey firmly replied. "Will that be all?"

"For the time being, you may go," Reginald flatly said more than a bit annoyed at his house elves actions. He was quite fond of Tadbey and considered him an excellent employee. For that same reason, he was irked at being treated so lightly.

With a loud pop, Tadbey departed leaving Reginald to read the letter from his sister. Returning his attention to the letter, he furrows his brow and begins to frown more as he reads the letter from Georgine. Finished reading the letter, he lays the letter down onto his study and pensively leans back in his seat. Much of what his sister had written had been regarding further details and preparations for the presentation ball of his grandchildren. He needed only to pass the details to Noebella Dubois, Sirsa's cousin.

Reginald grows still at the mere thought of his beloved, but belated wife, Sirsa. He turns his face away from the flickering flames as if unable to bear the memory of his wife. He straightens his spine and gazed coldly back at the flames. No, his primary concern lay with his grandson, Severus.

According to Georgine, Severus had requested that Lily be his primary escort at the presentation ball. Reginald had long ago been aware of the affections that his grandson carried for the muggleborn witch, Lily Evans. He had partly hoped that Severus would outgrow his childhood love, but it was mere false hope as Severus's love had only deepened turning into that of a man loving a woman.

Still, Reginald had lost his daughter to that same folly, and he could not dare to lose his grandson. He would not commit the same mistake twice. Therefore, he would accept his grandson's decision. Though there would be consequences for doing so, but, no matter, he was more capable of silencing any naysayers. The purebloods would be aghast, but the progressives would be pleased especially the Ministry of Magic and the common masses. It was an excellent political move in that regard.

Reginald's dark-colored eyes darken as he contemplates the next move. His granddaughter, Rowan had written to him as much in a prior letter indicating that she would accept a pureblood escort of his choice. He did not have many choices that he liked, but Fleamont's son had expertly bargained with Georgine.

Normally, he would have refused, but the boy although Gryffindor had shown a surprising cunning streak. He very much approved of such sensibilities, and the boy was a friend of his granddaughter. And most importantly would quiet the purebloods as James Potter came from a long line of purebloods and was even descended from the Peverell line through the maternal side, Iolanthe Perverell, who had married into the Potter family to Hardwin Potter to be precise.

A thin, cold smile appears on Reginald's sharp face. He would accept James Potter's proposal and notify Fleamont Potter via letter. That would ensure that Fleamont's heart pressure rose. And Fleamont would undoubtedly protest, but Reginald would have the great satisfaction of informing Fleamont that it was his son, who had voluntarily offered himself up for the position. Fleamont would no doubt hurriedly write to his son, but James Potter would surely confirm the proposal to be a primary escort.

Reginald's lips further stretch in a Cheshire-like smile. It would be well worth it to see Fleamont's reaction. A shame, he would not be able to view it in person.

Glancing at the hour, Reginald rose to his feet and walked towards a cloak hanger in the corner of his study. Writing the letter to Fleamont Potter and his granddaughter, Rowan could wait until his return. It was far more important that he deal with the Evans situation at hand. And as his sister had so pointedly indicated, there were mere weeks left until the presentation ceremony. There was much to be done in that short length of time, but far more important to request the permission and attendance of one Lily Evans from the Evans couple.

With that thought in mind, Reginald donned his cloak, before departing from the study. A loud pop is heard in the hall as a female house elf with large droopy ears wears a neat dress with a white apron. "Master it is late," Dawn said. "Shall Dawn wait up and have snacks ready for master's return?"

"I shan't be long, but it is late, there is no need to wait up," Reginald paused to reply. "But cast a warming charm upon the tea and a basket of freshly baked scones."

"Dawn will do as the Master says," Dawn prettily curtsied, before tugging on her apron nervously. "Dawn also apologizes for hubby's behavior. Dawn will make sure it does not happen again. Dawn is a good house elf, and Dawn is proud to serve Master and family."

"The fault does not lay with you, Dawn," Reginald quietly replied, before patting the female house elf once on the head. "Now off you go, I am certain that Laldey will wake up otherwise."

"Dawn is happy to obey master's orders," Dawn said with a big wide grin, before vanishing with a loud pop.

Reginald firmly strides away with long gaits easily traversing the hall and exiting onto the Prince grounds. The night was cold, and he tugged the cowl of his cloak up to keep the cold at bay. He would need to traverse the grounds for a moment, before apparting to his destination. And so, he did.