Romulus Lupin Ⅱ

Seeing Sirius and Severus go off into their own conversation, Rowan turns towards Remus Lupin. "And what about you, Remus?"

Remus pensively scrunches his face up in thought. "I like magical creatures and I've been told I'm good at spells. I think maybe, a Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"You're certainly patient enough," Rowan acknowledged as she pointedly glared at Sirius.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Remus sincerely thanked Rowan, before glancing at the quiet figure of James. "And what about James?"

James startles out of his trial of thought. "I'm sorry I was distracted, what was the question?"

"Future possible careers, James," Rowan mumbled before taking a bite of a strawberry.

"Oh, I am not entirely sure," James honestly answered. And he truly wasn't. In his naivety, he had wanted to be an Auror. Indeed, he had become an Auror during the war. And as a result, he had enough blood and death on his hands to fill him for a lifetime. For all his acclaimed abilities as an Auror, he had been caught wholly unaware in his greatest time of need without a wand and was instantly killed.

"What about becoming an Auror?" Peter helpfully suggested. "At least that's what you used to say, James."

"True enough," James suppressed a grimace. "However, I don't think that is the right career path for me," not anymore at least.

"Well, you're rather brilliant at Transfiguration," Rowan painfully acknowledged. "And considering you're Prongs that may be a good route to take."

Peter and Remus flash Rowan nearly identical grins causing Rowan's face to darken. James is a bit stunned by the suggestion as he had never considered that route. Then again, he had always thought he knew everything and everything that he had ever wanted. Why would he ever think now would be any different?

"I had never considered Transfiguration before," James earnestly mused, "but I can't deny that I am intrigued by the idea. Thanks, Rowan," he flashed her a cheeky grin.

Rowan viciously stabbed a blueberry with her fork and did not reply. Seeing Rowan like that James no longer thanked her as Peter subtly motioned for James to lean closer. Peter leans closer causing a loose tendril of his mousy brown colored hair to fall in his face. Ignoring the hair, Peter whispers, "Rowan just doesn't like to be publicly thanked it embarrasses her. You can tell by the fact that the tip of her ears turns pink. Her blush never shows on her face, but rather on her ears."

James subtly peeks over at Rowan only to find the tip of her ears is in fact pink. Peter winks conspiratorially at him and moves back. "What how did you know?" James quietly whispered so as to not be overheard.

"Rowan's a good friend," Peter said with a shrug. "She will stick with you through good and bad," he pointed at his face. "When I had bad acne, it was only Rowan who noticed and gave me the face wash products that I still use. She won't do grand gestures, but she'll always take notes and do something to help in her own way. If it wasn't for my beloved Quyen, I think I would have even eventually fancied Rowan."

James is uncertain of what to say suddenly feeling strange. "And what about Sirius and Remus, you think they've ever felt that pull?"

"Nah, Sirius annoys Rowan too much, she'd never like him. And frankly, Sirius sees Rowan as a sister, it'd practically be incestuous!" Peter huffed before scrunching up his freckled nose in thought. "Remus, though, probably, if truth be told considering he's smart, blondish, and all. However, since Mary confessed to him first so that took care of that."

"Wait blond?" James choked.

"Yup as far as the rumors go, Rowan likes them blond." (And the reason why still to this day Rowan disliked Bertha Jorkins, who had started all those rumors. Thankfully Bertha Jorkins had finally graduated! Not that was much of a console as Bertha Jorkins had joined the Daily Prophet).

Peter paused to stare James in the eye. "If you want the honest truth, I always thought it would be you and Rowan. She always trusted you despite your shenanigans and you did too because she always came through. I was a bit envious I will admit when we were younger, but Rowan was always there for me encouraging me to try something new. And now that the two of you are betrothed, I guess it really was meant to be. So, take care of her, she's always been good to us."

James feels a strange flush creep up his face before he hastily excuses himself from the Gryffindor table. He didn't know what to feel or think at that comment. Peter's words were strangely discerning and that frightened him in its own manner. They revealed far too much than he was comfortable with.

Seeing James leave the table in such a hurry, Rowan arches her brow at Peter, who innocently blinks his chocolate-colored eyes at her. "It's not my fault, he just got embarrassed," he cheekily answered.

"Right," Rowan drily said before finishing up her toast and rising from the Gryffindor table. Not before pausing to pick up something from the floor.

Remus leans closer to Peter and conspiratorially says, "Step one."

"Never thought we would end up playing cupid for them," Peter chuckled.

"James wouldn't know it if it hit him in the head," Remus sighed. "You remember how bad he was with Lily."

Peter rolled his eyes. "I remember and trust me; I don't want another repeat. That's the only reason I'm helping you out with this." He paused to narrow his eyes at Remus. "You know I think Terry has rubbed off an awful lot on you."

Remus flashed a wolfish grin before returning to his meal. It wasn't like it was a lie, he had become rather close to Severus and Terry when James, Sirius, and Peter were off playing Quidditch. And so, if he had picked up a few Slytherin traits by association that would not be surprising at all.

James hadn't gone far when he heard a familiar gait. He stopped and turned around only to see the tall, slender form of Rowan. Her long raven hair is pulled into a simple loose braid that hangs over her shoulder. Her midnight-indigo eyes show hints of concern.

"I'm fine, Rowan," James said before Rowan even reached him.

"You left from the Great Hall in a great hurry," Rowan said holding up the school bag which James had forgotten at his seat.

James reflexively pats his shoulder and flushes in embarrassment. "Sorry," he apologized. "I must have not noticed."

"I can tell," Rowan drily answered.

James slung his school bag over his shoulder gripping the shoulder strap of his schoolbag with one hand. "Anyway, thanks," he said nervously running a hand through his long hair that is pulled back with a hair tie.

"You're welcome," Rowan said before turning away.

James stands lamely in place watching her depart, before turning in the opposite direction. He didn't know why Peter's words had flustered him so much. And he would rather not think about them as he determinedly headed to the library. There were far more important things to be concerned about.