April Meeting

In the English village of Godric's Hollow, a group of men walked down a lane that curved left into the heart of the village, the village town square. There were several shops, a post office, a pug, and the village church with glass-stained windows that glowed like the brightest of jewels in the evenings. They'd had several pints and it was getting late. They head back home before their wives turned into shrews.

No one notices as the streetlamps turn off with a faint pop. The long silver hair and beard of Albus Dumbledore neatly tucked into the belt of his dark blue robes nearly black. An unusual choice for Albus, but he was capable of discretion when necessary. The tip of his dark buckled shoes peeked out from the tip of his robes. His child-like blue eyes peer through his half-moon spectacles that hang on a long, crooked nose. The silver cigarette lighter flicks again as the Put-Outer as another lamppost went out.

Albus's eyes drift over to the small church and the graveyard beyond that houses the bodies of his family. An old sadness passes through his eyes before he continues on his way. He and Aberforth planned to visit their parent's graves and Arianna for Easter. They'd pick their mother's favorite flowers and Arianna's and lay a bouquet at their graves along with their father. It had been years since the two brothers stood together before the graves of their parents. Not until recently had things between Aberforth and him are right. There still existed old hurts, but the old wounds had finally begun to heal.

Why just last Sunday, Aberforth and he had shared a Sunday dinner. It had gone well enough that Albus had even managed to make Aberforth laugh. It had been such a long time since he had heard the earnest laugh of his younger brother that he had even forgotten what it sounded like. Aberforth's laugh was low and easy much like their father's had been. And at that moment, it almost felt like their father was with them as well.

Albus almost slipped at finding himself before the home of Bathilda Bagshot. A trail of smoke trailed from a chimney as a petite witch with wispy white hair stood in the front yard, between the hedge opening. Her black shawl is carefully tucked about her. Her eyes are sunken with age and their liver spots on her face and hands.

"Albus," Bathilda Bagshot gestured at him to wait. She hurriedly moves forward before her eyes scan the village road. "Albus take care," she whispered. "I think I may have seen a few of Gellert's old friends from Durmstrang about."

"Here in the village?" Albus urgently asked mildly alarmed.

"No, not here," Bathilda Bagshot shook her head. "But I may have caught glimpses of them in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Mark my words Albus. Mark my words, this bodes ill."

"I will keep your words in mind, Professor Bagshot," Albus thanked their former neighbor and Professor of History of Magic before moving down the road and past their family home.

Down a winding small road at the edge of town, Albus arrives at a two-story cottage with a small gate, and tall hedges, enchanted and warded hidden from muggles and prying eyes. The powerful wards in place permit him to pass through the front gates and up the path. The door unlocks before him and permits him to enter into sparsely furnished Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

Albus is the last to arrive nodding his head in greeting to the members of the Order. "My apologies after the Wizengamot I conversed with Minister Jenkins longer than I anticipated."

"It is fine Albus," said his long-time friend ever since Hogwarts, Elphias Doge. "You are Chief Warlock naturally you have more business to attend to." The hunched-up bald wizard pointedly said before coughing rather loudly.

Albus glances at his brother Aberforth, who merely folds his arms and subtly gestures at him with his eyes. He pretends not to see his brother's impatient gesture and greets the middle-aged Alastor Moody. His wavy brown hair had been trimmed. His Auror's uniform was crisp and sharp as if newly pressed. Moody is scarred by the new addition of a swiveling magical eye.

"Marriage becomes you, Moody," Albus congratulated the Scottish Auror, who looked younger than Albus had seen Moody in years.

Alastor Moody's ruddy cheeks flush at the compliment. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore."

The handsome redhead Auror, Gideon Prewett grins and nudges the older Auror with his elbow. "Moody here went and did an D'Eath."

Alastor Moody's cheeky flush as the long-nosed Fabian says, "Well, it happens even to the best of us," earning a chuckle from the rest of the members of the Order.

Albus Dumbledore glances around to see the stately wife of Fabian Prewett is missing. "Emmaline (nee Vance) is she ill?"

"No, Professor!" Fabian swiftly responded. "She's just feeling a tidbit under the weather."

"She's expecting their sprog," Gideon interrupted with a shudder earning a dark look from his brother.

"Congratulations to both of you, Fabian. Do not let Emmaline concern herself with Order business, she is more than welcome to rest at ease," Albus instructed. "When is the child expected?"

"The mediwitches at St. Mungo's said the babe will come mid to late October," Fabian answered with great pride. The members of the Order all warmly congratulated Fabian.

"To business now," Albus said moving to take a seat in an empty velvet armchair. His knees creaked and he suppressed a groan. These old bones aren't what they used to be that's for sure.

The two handsome Bones brothers, Edgar and Jacques Bones step out first. The elder, Edgar Bones is a Veteran Auror with a square jaw and dark brown hair. His younger brother, Jacques employed in the International Magical Cooperation Department. The two wizards were similar looking with square jaws, the most noticeable of differences is Jacques' light brown hair.

"The Ministry of Magic's raid of Gibson mansion ended in failure," Edgar reported. "The Death Eaters were long gone by the time the Auror Corps arrived. The only concerning thing is that we found over one hundred corpses. Some identified as Death Eaters, but the majority being muggles."

Grim expressions can be seen throughout the rest of the room as Marlene McKinnon shakes her auburn head. "The dead muggles have not been reported missing. The Death Eaters have been careful in selecting their targets."

Sturgis Podmore clenched his square jaw shaking his thick straw-colored hair. "Some of them were slaughtered like pigs as if they were not even human."

Kingsley Shacklebolt places a comforting hand on the shorter wizard's shoulder. A tall, dark man with broad shoulders. His shaved head glints especially the single golden hoop earning. "We were all there, Strugis," he calmed his friend.

"My apologies everyone," Strugis apologized falling silent. It had been a hard day for even a hardened Auror much less one of the younger members of the Auror Corps.

Seeing the room grow still, Jacques moves to speak. "The international committees are supportive of the British Ministry of Magic's actions in the war. However, it is my duty to report that there have been some sightings of former Acolytes spotted within the Isles."

"Grindelwald?" Aberforth dangerously barked unfolding his arms. "Did you know about this, Albus?" He icily asked.

"I truly did not know, Aberforth," Albus truthfully answered. And he truly had not until tonight.

Aberforth appears to be somewhat convinced at Albus's response and does not press the subject again. Elphias Doge sends Aberforth a stink eye but holds his tongue. He did not wish to embarrass Albus.

Benjy Fetwick, a reserved wizard with short hair and pale says, "I can't say that isn't technically true. There have been signs in court that some of the older generations are reentering the political sphere. My former master, Barty Crouch said as much, but it may be because of the gaps within the Ministry of Magic that have yet to be filled. Currently, Stephen Flint's post has already been fulfilled by me and Amelia Bones, Stephen Flint's former protegee."

Benjy Fetwick turned at glanced at his friend, Caradoc Dearborn, a rather timid, wide-eyed young man. He is pale as usual with combed-back chocolate-colored hair. "And what about you Caradoc? Have you noticed anything strange or is anyone requesting Personnel Files?"

Caradoc Dearborn clutches his robes and fretfully answers, "As a member of the Filing Department, I have not had many asking for personnel files. However, I have seen an increase in internal jousting. This may be originally to fulfill the role of Stephen Flint, but this suggests something else entirely. The Death Eater's attack upon Gringotts was premeditated and unheard of. The Death Eaters could not have acted alone, there must be a spy at the Ministry of Magic."

Alastor Moody almost shows a gleam of pride at the quill pusher's deduction. "We know as much and we've been tracking down clues, but with the ongoing war, there is only so many personnel that can be assigned to the case. However, Scrimgeour and I have a clue and for the moment, we'll keep it ourselves lest we scare the Basilisk from its roost."

"Could they possibly be under the Imperius curse as Garrick Arnold?" Interjected Dorcas Meadows, a pretty with tan skin, warm eyes, curly hair, and a popular personality.

Alastor snorted and glanced at Edgar Bones, who solemnly answered. "Though Garrick Arnold has been cleared of charges, he has still been subjected to a fine by the Ministry and has been removed from Hogwarts Board by Chairman Malfoy and replaced by Walburga Black."

Aberforth's blue eyes glinted behind his spectacles flashing Albus a pointed look. Albus did not react but his child-like blue eyes lost some of their sparkles and became cold. Albus was many things, but he was also a lion. He knew how to hunt when needed to survive.