April Meeting Ⅱ

The gazes of everyone drift over to Auror Dorcas Meadows. "With the ongoing war, it is not out of the question that Death Eaters will employ an unforgivable curse. Many of the purebloods have pulled away from the rhetoric of the Dark Lord. The only ones that remain are the fanatics or those far too cowardly to leave. And with the latest failed attack, the Dark Lord will have to supplement his ranks. The Imperius Curse is the perfect method to ensure his most loyal of Death Eaters are not captured, but at the same time have legions of followers."

Jacques Bones shakes his head sharing a glance with his brother, Edgar. "That is presuming the Imperius Curse is not successfully fought off. Furthermore, the curse's only weakness is that fades away over prolonged stretches of time. The Imperius Curse needs to be frequently recast in order to maintain its deadly grip over its victim. This requires existing Death Eaters to target those within their circle. Yet we must remember the purebloods have their own means of protection. They won't be as easily turned into malleable puppets without any indications suggesting otherwise."

Gideon Prewett scrunches his face in thought. "Even if most purebloods are not capable legilimens, the older houses still practice occlumency. With enough time even the strongest of Imperius Curses can be fought off." He paused to gesture at himself and his brother. "We aren't the best occlumens, but we can at least clear our minds. Our father saw to that."

Others from pureblood homes such as Alastor Moody nod their heads in agreement. The purebloods may differ in sorting houses, however, they all share similarities. The pureblood households held a long memory for better or for worse.

Elphias Doge sniffled loudly blowing his nose. "Either way, we can all agree that Runcorn is undoubtedly not under the Imperius Curse. Though he has been quiet as of late, it is rather perturbing."

"It is rather abnormal," Fabian agreed his long nose wrinkling up in thought. "Runcorn has not been meeting the Death Eaters as before. However, as power as hungry as he is, he would not betray the Ministry without a sure guarantee."

"No, he could not possibly be the traitor," Moody gruffly interjected. "Runcorn is many things, but he would never endanger his own interests, nor would he be willing to be anyone 's lackey, it would be beneath him."

Dorcas Meadows thoughtfully added, "If not Runcorn, it must be someone with access to the Floo Network Authority, their offices are housed in the Department of Magical Transportation. It must have been an inside job," she reasonably concluded.

Edgar Bone's lips move to disagree with the conclusion of the going investigation, before catching Mad-Eye Moody's swiveling enchanted eye. His lips flatten again, and he makes no move to speak again. A flicker of disappointment and frustration flashes across Dorcas Meadow's face before vanishing.

Gideon did not notice the exchanged glances. "Now that's an idea, Dorcas," he said with an approving smile, while Dorcas Meadows politely returned the smile.

"Speaking of politics, what do we make of Walburga Black being placed on the Hogwarts Board? Will that pose a problem for the future?" Fabian asked with a furrow in his brow.

"Unlikely," Jacques Bones drily commented. "Chairman Malfoy took an opportunity and placed an in-law in power. The Board won't oppose the appointment considering the political clout the Black's hold. Neither will the pureblood families who will be undoubtedly in approval of the appointee. And Chairman Malfoy for being a traditionalist has been rather open-minded considering the appointments at Hogwarts."

"Ah, Chairman Malfoy is a tad cold, but I always found him to be a perspective lad," Albus Dumbledore chimed with a bit of a twinkle in his eye. "He puts up a stern front, but he has been rather wonderful to cooperate with."

Aberforth loudly snorts at his brother's commentary. Albus was harder to get rid of than a barb of stinging nettle. Even if Malfoy wanted to remove Albus as Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus always managed to come out unscathed in the end. Malfoy wasn't the first to try and undoubtedly would not be the last.

Seeing the conversation diverge to the Hogwarts Board, Aberforth loudly interrupts the side conversation. "And what of the giants?" He pointedly asked. "Their attacks have dropped to coordinated skirmishes again. We all know what that means." The unspoken words of another large giant attack hung heavily in the air.

"Riddle is definitely plotting something," Moody bristled with a Scottish borough. "It'll be bad, I can feel it in my bones."

Normally one would laugh such a remark off, but Alastor Moody had outlived many of his predecessors. He was one of the toughest Aurors to ever walk the face of the earth. And undoubtedly paranoid, but his paranoia tended to be spot-on more often than not.

Kingsley Shacklebolt refrains from making a comment. He was the handler for the Ministry's spy, but it was only known to three people within the Ministry. Despite being part of the Order, he knew that he could not betray his personally recruited spy. However, that didn't mean he couldn't drop nuggets of information.

"The giants are searching for someone, a giantess by the name of Fridwulfa," Kingsley Shacklebolt said. "The A.P.D. officers have picked up this chatter on several reconnaissance missions. Whoever the giantess is, she must have some value as the Gurg of the giants personally wants her."

"Fridwulfa," Albus muttered to himself tugging on his long white beard. That name sounded vaguely familiar from many years ago when he was still the Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. He wasn't certain by whom, but he was certain that the memory would eventually come to him.

The rest of the evening is filled with discussing planned movements and details to follow up on. Eventually, the conversations die down and the Order of the Phoenix begins to depart in groups of two and three. After some time, the Potter cottage is empty leaving only Albus and Aberforth in the two-story cottage.

With a quick wave of his wand, Aberforth verifies that no one remained behind on the premise. His neatly trimmed hair and beard flicker in the light. His brilliant blue eyes narrow behind his spectacles at his brother. "What did Arabella Fig have to report?"

"I went to the most enjoyable meeting of the Whispers of the Meow," Albus cheerfully answered with a twinkle in his eyes. "They had quite the lovely array of pasties."

"Albus," Aberforth growled knowing that Albus was purposefully drawing things out.

"Patience, Aberforth," Albus said with a twinkle. "As I was saying after the meeting, Arabella Fig reported the continued meeting of Dorcas Meadows with her fellow conspirators."


Albus's blue eyes grew more solemn behind his half-moon spectacles. "There are strong indications that they are a larger and more complicated organization. Arabella Fig reported the addition of at least 10 confirmed members. They were not merely acquaintances all ranging from a wide social circle with no clear connections."

"This is hardly the first time a secret society exists, Albus," Aberforth reminded, "nor will it be the last."

"Yes, well it is all rather concerning," Albus said. "I have yet to understand their motive and goals."

Aberforth rolled his eyes. "It is power, Albus, it always has been and always will be. The excuses they use in their quest for power are irrelevant."

Albus looks mildly ruffled by Aberforth's words. "I know that Aberforth, but I refer to their goals and desires."

"They are the same thing in my mind," Aberforth drily retorted, before changing the subject. "How did the recruitment of Susan Bones go?"

"Edgar and Jacques had a private word with me," Albus admitted. "They requested that their sister, Amelia Bones not be accepted as a member of the Order of the Phoenix. They worry about their younger sister who is already in a precarious position, and I cannot fault them for their concerns. However, Frank Longbottom has agreed full of optimism and valor, he will shortly be a graduate of the Auror Academy. He has also promised to quietly speak to his courting partner, Alice Yates, who if all goes well will enter the Auror Academy this Fall."

"And Rubeus Hagrid?"

Albus has the grace to flush in embarrassment. "I'm afraid, I may have overly prodded the poor boy. Hagrid politely declined to state he wouldn't have time with his apprenticeship, and he was an engaged man. He would gladly help when asked, but he had no interest in participating in missions."

A rumble of laughter escapes from Aberforth. "Well good for Hagrid. I'm glad someone finally grew a spine and told you, no, Albus. I never thought I would live to see this day come."

Albus shoots his younger brother a dark look who is still chuckling with dark glee. "I can respect Hagrid's decision, Aberfroth."

"You don't do boundaries, Albus," Aberforth retorted.

Albus sulks a bit at Aberforth's words, but he is unable to deny the truth of the statement. He could at times ask far too much of those he trusted. But it was only because he trusted them that he imposed such burdens on them.

Aberforth smirks and slyly says, "Albus, do you truly have no clue who this Fridwulfa is?"

"No, why do you have a clue, Aberforth?" Albus asked raising his head up.

"Albus, there are days where I wonder why you are considered one of the greatest wizards alive," Aberforth deadpanned. "Today is one of them."

"Aberforth, there is no need to be rude," Albus said his brilliant blue eyes pointedly meeting Aberforth's.

Aberforth lets out a loud sniff. "Well, if I must," he held up one finger in the air. "Who is a half-giant?

"Hagrid of course, I am not an idiot Aberforth."

Aberforth looks like he disagrees and raises a second finger into the air. "Which parent was what?"

"I remember that Mr. Hagrid died in Hagrid's third year," Albus paused and furrowed his brow. "Hagrid's mother was a giantess," his voice trailed off before his gaze snaps up to meet his brother's. "Fridwulfa that was Hagrid's mother's name."

"Correct," Aberforth drily said.

Albus narrows his eyes at his brother. "You suspected as much, Aberforth?"

"If the giantess fled the war where else would she go but to see her human mate or her son," Aberforth matter-of-factly stated. "It was a rather clear deduction to make." He neglected to mention that he also had to have several hints to figure it out, but Albus didn't need to know that.

"I'm impressed," Albus proudly said.

"Why because I am the lesser Dumbledore?" Aberforth rumbled with old hurt.

"No, because I always knew there was much more to you, Aberforth," Albus sincerely praised his younger brother. "You were always much more steadfast and truer than I ever was. You are the best that Gryffindor has to offer."

A red flush creeps up Aberforth's neck, who doesn't know what to make of his brother's sincere words. Coughing to try to desperately change the subject, he says, "Hagrid won't reveal his mother, but she's undoubtedly close by. Perchance try the centaurs."

"Yes, I was already planning on doing exactly that," Albus said with his childish-blue eyes twinkling again. "Is Sunday dinner still on for next week?"

"If you aren't busy again, Albus," Aberforth hmphed.

"I shall make sure to clear my calendar," Albus happily said causing Aberforth to mumble something about dodgy old geezers under his breath. The two brothers depart from Potter's cottage with Albus jabbering to Aberforth, who pretended to ignore his brother. However, Aberforth responses betrayed him. Still, such a sight would have been simply unimaginable a year ago. Yet here they were brothers again.