A Grim Ⅳ

The instant shrill alarms began to ring in the Ministry of Magic, the Aurors immediately began to mobilize in a swift and practiced manner without being instructed. The forty-year-old Head of the Department, Elphinstone Urquhart, a dark-haired wizard with slicked-back hair and a widow's peak emerges from his office. He briskly shouts out practiced orders, "Team one will be led by Senior Commanding Auror Moody," causing the middle-aged scarred Scottish Auror to instantly begin to gather with his team.

"Team 2 will be led by Senior Auror Scrimgeour, who will set up a perimeter to apparate the hags and goblins to the battle location," Elphinstone announced as the lion-like maned Auror also gathered with his team.

"As before once the perimeter is successfully set up, Team 2 will defend the point of retreat and commence to apparate A.P.D. officers, while providing cover for the healer's team to arrive and commence treating any wounded."

Both Auror Moody and Auror Scrimgeour wordlessly set out without further words. Their teams automatically follow them as they attempt to depart from the Ministry of Magic from secure apperation points. However, there is an unexpected, encountered difficulty upon arrival. All the secure apperation points have been closed off from within.

Several Aurors are instructed to set out to several departments demanding answers. Unfortunately, there are further complications when attempting to use the Floo network to exit the Ministry of Magic. Auror Dawlish, who has been reassigned to Auror Scrimgeour's team is sent back to report the urgent news. Rushing up the lift along with the rest, Dawlish darts out of the elevator the minute it stops on the right floor.

Nearly skidding across the tile floor in his rush, Auror Dawlish stumbles into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. "Sir, we have a problem!" Auror Dawlish bellowed from the doorway.

Auror Dawlish's cry is somewhat muted as Team Three led by Auror Williamson hurriedly passes by to set up a defense line for the Ministry of Magic in case of an imminent attack. The scarlet-robed Auror Williamson with a long ponytail frowned in passing but marched on to complete his mission along with those that followed them.

Catching his breath, Auror Dawlish is forced to wait until Team Three finishes passing by. Seeing the panting form of Dawlish, the widow's peak on Elphinstone's forehead deepens. "Quickly out with it, Auror Dawlish!"

"The apperation points have all been shut down! It will take hours to reopen them!" Dawlish panted causing the remaining Auror's to frown as Elphinstone's furrow deepened with dread, impatience, and worry.

"Do not tell me there is not a single Auror who thought to use the goddam floo network!"

"Sir, the entire Ministry of Magic's Floo Network has been compromised. The Floo Network Authority says it will be hours before the floo network is right again."

Elphinstone let out a hiss at the sheer extent of the planned sabotage. Frantically, he thinks, before moving to a clerk's desk and hastily beginning to write an emergency protocol. Minister of Magic Jenkins along with Chief Warlock Dumbledore and the rest of the Wizengamot is in a closed session. The entire quarters of the Wizengamont had been sealed off to prevent a leak and for protection as part of the upgraded security procedures.

Unexpectedly, this had all been taken into account knowing full well that those in power to stop the attack would be unable to be contacted. Elphinstone grits his teeth takes his official seal and stamps the document along with a magical signature. The order now is a legitimate document with the full power of the Ministry of Magic.

"Emergency Protocol is now in effect," Elphinstone steadily announced. "By the magic invested in me as Head of the Department of Magical Enforcement, all floo network points within Diagon Alley will be appropriated under the emergency protocol for the Ministry of Magic's use. All shops that fail to cooperate will be charged with interference and be charged on the spot!"

Dozens of copies are made before Elphinstone hands out several copies to Dawlish to take. "Hurry now, Dawlish! Every second counts! Ensure my exact orders are received!"

"Yes, sir!" Dawlish breathlessly answered clutching the copies to his chest before sprinting away and skidding across the titled floor in his hurry again.

Waving his wand, Elphinstone enchants the remaining copies. The copies fold up as Interdepartmental Memos. The folded memos zoom off his desk heading to various departments throughout the Ministry of Magic including the A.P.D.

The Aurors who had been whispering instantly fall silent with solemn faces. This had been a deliberate attack with help from within. The Ministry of Magic had been deeply compromised.

"Auror's Shacklebolt, Podmore, McKinnon! I want you down in the Floo Network Authority. The Minister of Magic and I want an immediate report on just how this occurred and just how compromised our security is! Now!" Elphinstone sternly ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The three Aurors responded before rushing towards the lift to reach Floo Network Authority located on the 6th floor of the Ministry of Magic.

Elphinstone rubs his face with one hand feeling his hair turning gray. The report of the attack had come from Hogsmeade. A giant attack in broad daylight was unheard of, but the Gurg of the Giants did not play by the same set of rules. Worst of all, the initial report stated there were students in the village. Never mind the Daily Prophet is going to have a field day, there are countless children's lives at stake!

Whirling about with his robes snapping behind him, Elphinstone turns to address the rest of the department. He is the Head of his Department, and he must pretend to at least be in control. Turning towards a witch with an eyepatch over one eye that had been lost in battle against the Death Eaters, he instructed, "Auror Fields head directly to Gringotts along with your team and Auror Scrimgeour. Alert the goblins and hags (and trolls) of the changes and if need be appearte at your convenience. We do not know how many other floo's have been compromised."

"Yes, sir!" Auror Fields crisply said, before briskly moving away to meet up with Auror Scrimgeour and his team.

The remaining Aurors patiently wait on standby awaiting their future orders. "Auror Meadows, you are to wait at the doors of the Wizengamont. The instant the doors are unsealed you are to report the attack upon Hogsmeade to the Minister of Magic and the Wizengamot is that understood?"

The pretty, petite Auror Dorcas Meadows solemnly nods her head before briskly moving away to fulfill her orders. Auror Meadows followed orders but did pause to take a side trip to the prisoner-holding cells. There are several Death Eaters awaiting sentencing. In the commotion, the guards had left their posts. In fact, it would be very easy for the Death Eaters awaiting trial to escape unnoticed in the commotion.