Clash of the Titans

The giants and the Death Eaters portkeyed to two separate locations in the nearby surroundings of the Forbidden Forest. The Death Eaters apparated past the train tracks out of sight to appear unnoticed. They would attack from the side, while the giants apparated in a clearing at the edge of the Forbidden Forest large enough to accommodate them and keep them temporarily hide them from direct sight.

The giants upon arrival immediately commenced the attack by hurtling large borders towards Hogsmeade, while other giants felled trees to make room to attack or use as makeshift clubs. The bombardment of Hogsmeade practically went uninterrupted as the screams of villagers and students from Hogwarts could be heard.

Thirty feet tall, Wurfborg has an excellent vantage point. His sharp jagged teeth glint bloodthirstily in the light. The humans fled like ants fleeing from their destroyed nest. Ants are easy to crush and destroy beneath one's feet.

The dragon scales on the leather clothing glint as Wurfborg flexed his gray shoulders. The necklace made of dragon fangs and the teeth of vanquished enemies clinks together like a menacing wind chime. Raising his deadly club in one hand, Wurfborg raises his left hand, a sharp hook.

"Crush them!" Wurfborg roared as the giants momentarily ceased the bombardment to march forward toward the village.

The giants had only begun to march forward with their Gurg at the helm when a sharp whistling sound causes Wurfborg to duck as a tree used as a spear that smashes into the giant behind him. The giant in question screams in agony at a large oak tree that has penetrated deep into his shoulder.

"Challenge!" A female giantess voice roared emerging from between swaying trees clutching a large club in each of her hands.

"Fridwulfa," Wurfborg hissed enraged, before hurtling forward to accept the challenge.

"Challenge!" Howled a giant from the ranks of giants when an echoed reply is heard from the side where Fridwulfa emerged.

A shorter gray-skinned giant emerged hurtling towards the other giants, Filfor, Fridwulfa's mate (and father of Grawps). Followed closely behind is Hagrid with his hair pulled back and a determined expression gripping his wand in hand.

"Attack," Hagrid shouted leading hundreds of spiders the size of carthorses, eight-eyed, eight-legged, black, hairy, gigantic, who emerged from the forest behind him.

The Acromantuala's loudly clicked their pincers swarming forward toward the giants. Some of the most fearless spiders climb the giants some leaping from tree to tree and hurt towards the giants spitting strong, sticky webs into their eyes to blind them, before injecting paralyzing venom from their poisonous jaws.

Giants angrily swat at the spiders tossing them high into the air, but the nimble spiders use their spider silk to latch onto nearby trees and safely fall to the ground. The bitten giants become clumsier as their bodies are affected by the impact of the venom.

Wurfborg and Fridwulfa clash with Wurfborg stabbing at Fridwulfa with his hook. Fridwulfa bares her teeth in pain but manages to dodge to the side sufficiently to cause the hook to scrape across her entire arm. However, her quick movement prevented Wurfborg from digging his hooked hand into her flesh and dragging her to the ground.

Fridwulfa abruptly closes upon Wurfborg and slides to the ground, before kicking straight up at Wurfborg's loins. Wurfborg howls in agony and falls back in a crouched position baring sharp teeth at the giantess. Wurfborg's eyes are smart in humiliation, but more importantly, he must take a deep breath from the pain.

Glancing about Wurfborg can see that the giants are being pushed by the momentum of the Acromantuala's and the half-breed (Hagrid), who casts magical spells causing the giants to trip or become distracted by the spells targeting the giant's faces.

Rising back up Wurfborg in cold fury roars, "Karkus, clear the area!" Before fiercely launching himself at Fridwulfa, who without hesitation tosses a large mound of dirt in his face. Wurfborg is forced to close his eyes as Fridwulfa throws a punch at Wurfborg's face. However, Wurfborg's instincts caused him to step to the side weakening the punch of Fridwulfa.

Wurfborg spits on the ground and grimaces. He could no longer hold back; he must kill the giantess and take control of the battle. Slashing with his hooked hand, Wurfborg rushes forward at the same time swinging his razor-sharp club with the other hand in a sneak attack. Abruptly a smaller giant emerges from the side only to be fully impaled by the club.

Yet despite the smaller giants' deadly wounds, the smaller giant clutches the club with all of his might. "Protect mate," Fiflor whispered through bloodied lips wrapping his full body around the club.

Snarling Wurfborg is forced to drop his heavy club as Fridwulfa retaliates with a previously unknown strength. Fridwulfa shrieks utterly enraged. When Fridwulfa returned to this land to find her human son. She did not know her human mate had died. She had been sad. And now her giant mate lay dying before her for her sake. She would kill Wurfborg!

Past the two fiercely warring giants, the ugliest giant of the group at twenty-three feet tall and the weight equivalent to a couple of bull elephants with skin-like rhino hide stomps forward. Grabbing a fallen club, Karkus turns in circles causing the ground to fiercely shake clearing the Acromantuala's. Unlike before the Acromantuala's are severely wounded as they are forcefully slammed into the ground and surrounding forest and unlucky others are even killed upon impact.

Hagrid lets out a pained cry at seeing the children of Aragog being so mercilessly slain. Gripping his wand tightly in hand, he steps forward and begins to cast stronger spells in an attempt to stop the spinning of Karkus. Yet the spells are to no avail as Hagrid spells skid off the giant's thick rhino-like hide.

Abruptly a great horn sounds from the depths of the Forbidden Forest. The blowing of the great horn grows louder threatening to burst asunder. A cloud of dust can be seen erupting from the Forbidden Forest starting the birds from their nests and causing the woodland creatures to flee from the fierce path being trodden. The sound of many hooves is heard that abruptly falls silent as fierce male and female centaurs appear at the edge of the forest.

The male and female centaurs have dark and bright battle runes painted on their forearms, chests, and faces for battle. The male and female centaurs raise their bows to the sky as the elderly shaman, a fleabitten grey with red blood marks steps forward. Aldonius silver hair is pulled back in a fierce style as he blows on the horn again in a signal of attack.

The archers release their arrows causing a rainstorm of arrows to almost blot out the sky before striking the giants. The giants roar in pain as if hundreds of tiny needles become embedded into their flesh. Enraged the giants hurtle towards the unprotected centaur archers as the war horn is blown again causing a sense of dread to erupt in the chests of the giants.

Fierce trotting is heard once more as on either side of the flanks of the giants, centaurs erupt from the Forbidden Forest led by the Centaur Chief, Magorian. The proud, high-cheekboned centaur's long black hair is tied back flying in the air behind him. Strapped to his side is a long deadly spear, but as he darts forward, he pulls an arrow from his quiver and pulls the string of his longbow before releasing the heavy arrow.

The arrow whirls forward striking the spinning form of Karkus straight in the eye. Karkus falls still letting out a thundering scream of pain caused countless of animals in the Forbidden Forest to startle. Slinging his longbow over his shoulders, Magorian clutches his spear firmly darting at the ankle of a large giant.

At the speed and angle of Magorian's cut, the spear manages to cut through the thick rhino flesh and cut somewhat deeply into the flesh of Kakurus The giant roars and slides back onto his rump forcing Magorian to dart out of the way. With great nimbleness, Magorian moves to attack the next giant while Karkus lies on the floor clutching his wounded ankle.

Karkus loudly and rather dramatically wails in pain on the ground barely even feeling the prick of the falling arrows that stick out of his flesh as if he were a porcupine. Yet upon closer inspection blood droplets the size of buckets are dripping out, though the wound is not actually that deep. Karkus could not aid the challenger, but neither would Karkus aid their Gurg. Lazy, Karkus is. Greedy, violent, yes, but not stupid.

Despite the continual rain of arrows from the archers, not all of the centaurs are successful as some are thrown into trees and others are crushed under the feet of giants. Hagrid does his best to cover for the wounded centaurs to permit other centaurs to retrieve the wounded back into the cover of the Forbidden Forest.

Magorian heart clenches at the sight of the fallen among his tribe, before loudly rallying the tribe, "Children of the Forest, we will not fall this day! We shall ride on!"

The centaurs cry back fiercely and rally forth to fight alongside their enemies the Acromantuala. The Acromantuala's knew their foes well and with ease fell into a battle with the centaurs at their side. The two unlikeliest of allies covered each other's backs in battle. However, the battle is far from over and it is not the only ongoing battle.