Outcome of the Clash Ⅳ

Once the Aurors and allies arrived in Hogsmeade the tides of the battle instantly changed. The Death Eaters steadily began to retreat as Aurors set forth to capture and kill the Death Eaters. Many Death Eaters escaped, but others were killed, and a few are even captured. Immediately, the hags darted about on their brooms spotting wounded and informing the healer and A.P.D. teams of their location.

The goblins maintained the ground along with the trolls in case the Giants should return. However, to the amazement of everyone a glistening pale serpent floated into the square of Hogsmeade before Albus Dumbledore. The sapphire-embedded jewel on the serpent's brow glinted in the light. The serpent blinked its sapphire-colored eyes and flicked its tongue at the Headmaster.

The Aurors are wary especially Senior Auror Alastor Moody, whose enchanted blue eye swiveled wildly in its socket as he held his wand ready. Abruptly the serpent opens its mouth and begins to speak pure English shocking the majority of the Auror's speechless. They are not the only ones shocked as even the Hags show genuine traces of surprise as do the goblins, who are merely much better at hiding their expressions.

"We have met only in passing, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts," Nadira firmly said.

"Yes, I believe we have, serpent," Albus replied with delight and solemnity in his child-like blue eyes. On his shoulder sits Fawkes, whose red golden feathers glint like fire.

"I have a name, wizard," Nadira irritably snapped, "Nadira."

"Forgive me, Nadira," Albus sincerely inclined his head in apology causing his long white hair and beard to trail to the ground for a moment. Straightening back up, he paused to adjust his half-moon spectacles that had slid down his cooked, long nose.

"Wizards," Nadira muttered, before flicking her tongue at him. "Wurfborg has been defeated by Hagrid's mother, Fridwulfa. The giants will no longer wage war, there will be peace again."

Murmurs of disbelief can be heard from the Aurors and other Ministry of Magic members on site. Tugging on his beard, Albus pensively furrows his brow. "Is Fridwulfa, the giant Gurg now?"

"Yes," Nadira replied, "and she will not side with Voldemort. The giants will depart from these lands once their wounds are healed and return to their homes."

"And Nadira, you can speak for the giants?" Albus asked without a trace of hesitation.

Nadira proudly drew her head back. "I am the guardian of these lands. These lands are under my protection much like the first guardian." She proudly declared. "Wizardkind, you have forgotten your past. You have forgotten the guardian that the Hogwarts Founders established long slain but returned anew!"

Leaning closer to the face of the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Nadira flicks her tongue at the elderly wizard. "Your loyalty is split into two, Albus Dumbledore, and the Headmaster of Hogwarts cannot have split loyalties."

Albus's face grows stiff as Fawkes lets out a warning shriek at Nadira. Nadira blatantly ignores the fire chicken and continues to speak, "I will speak only the truth, Albus Dumbledore. For you are a Gryffindor, and a Griffin is a hunter. And though old, you may be, but far from being toothless or clawless."

The Qilin choose you, Albus Dumbledore, do not forget that." The tip of Nadira's tail curled and firmly poked Albus in the chest. "Before me stands the Supreme Mugwump (of the International Confederation of Wizards) capable of bearing the weight of the world."

The tip of Nadira's tail rose and gently stroked Albus's shoulder. "I do not see the arrogance and cruel ignorance of youth." Albus let out a shuttering breath at the mention of his foolish youth.

Nadira's tail retreated as she straightened her head again gazing down at Albus Dumbledore from her floating perch in the air. "Hear me, Headmaster of Hogwarts. I the guardian of these lands will not accept a Headmaster with split loyalties. Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts cannot continue to accept you as Headmaster of Hogwarts and thereby you are solemnly relieved of your duties."

Albus lets out a loud gasp at feeling the magic of Hogwarts stretching towards Hogsmeade. The bestowed power of the Headmaster of Hogwarts is gently, but firmly taken back. The tendrils of the magic of Hogwarts retreat determinedly removing the authority and power granted to the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Hogwarts had a guardian again and the castle would obey the will of the founders.

The air ripples with old magic leaving the Aurors and those present watching in awe. The magic disperses like ripples in water. Leaving Albus gasping and Fawkes angrily shrieking at the serpent. Fawkes would eat the senseless white worm!

Fawkes flaps his wings aggressively, but Nadira ignores the threats of the fire chicken. Much more gently Nadira says, "Set your fears aside, Albus Dumbledore. Your place is not here, but out there. Supreme Mugwump only you are capable of repairing the transgressions of the past. Go and reforge anew the pact between wizardkind and magicalkind. This is your solemn task, Albus Dumbledore."

The blue gem upon Nadira's brow began to grow brightly like a silver moon in the daytime. Nadira leaned closer pressing her brow against the lined temple of Albus. A gentle light began to encircle them swirling slowly at first, but slowly gaining speed until those watching had to scrunch their eyes and turn away.

The light faded abruptly as it appeared causing Nadira to weakly stumble back in the air. She panted tiredly as those watching opened and closed their mouth. Standing before them is a younger Albus Dumbledore, who is still elderly, but not quite as wrinkled and old. (Albeitedly, at present 95 years old, twenty years is quite a difference putting him at 75).

"Time cannot be reversed, but a small measure of past youth can be granted," Nadira tiredly explained with a great deal of satisfaction in her voice. "I must rest," she yawned sounding much more her age. A child barely entering her early teens.

Fawkes loudly sneezes pretending to have blinked and missed the entire exchange. Who says a phoenix can't be petty?

"I shall be in the lake," Nadira sleepily muttered, before darting away like an arrow towards the lake to rest. She would plunge deep into the depths of the lake to safely nest in the mervillage.

Albus is unable to speak still marveling over the change that had come over him. He felt younger with more of a spring in his step. He quietly thanked the albino Great Horned Serpent that had vanished over the horizon like a comet. He would properly thank the Guardian at another opportunity, but he had much to do before him.

Albus squares his shoulders and steps forward to meet Senior Auror Alastor Moody. The Scottish rugged Auror's normally wavy brown hair to his collar is neatly trimmed back. An aftereffect of having a pureblood wife. Why even his uniform is perfectly ironed, and his boots are polished until they gleam!

The enchanted, round, blue eye of Moody swivels around. There are various scars across Moody's face including a deep jagged scar that extends from his cheek over his eyelid and ends just above his brow. "A talking serpent, you don't see that every day," he drily remarked.

"No, we do not," Albus solemnly turned to ask, "What are the casualties?"

"Bad enough," Moody grunted.


"A mere handful, but sufficient enough that the Daily Prophet will have a field day."

Albus closes his eyes in response as Fawkes lets out a mournful cry that lingers in the air.

"Could have been worse," Moody rasped. "Though the village took the brunt of everything," he drily observed.

After a moment, Albus recollects himself, before firmly opening his brilliant blue eyes. "We have much to do then," he replied, before moving forward.

With a flick of Albus's wand, he begins to repair the village of Hogsmeade and clear the rubble. There is much to be done including returning to the Ministry of Magic and informing the Minister of Magic. Not to mention inform his Hogwarts Board of his abrupt dismissal from his post as Headmaster of Hogwarts by the previously unknown magical guardian of Hogwarts. Naturally, that would include informing the Board of the existence of a magical guardian as well. A young guardian at that.