Outcome of the Clash Ⅴ

Inside the Ministry of Magic, Aurors, A.P.D. officers, and Ministry of Magic officials at all levels scurry around. The busiest area is level six of the Ministry of Magic, the corridor that held the Floo Network. All Floo Network Authority operatives had been summoned to immediately right the Floo Network. With the urgent command from on high to set up a new security system immediately. Their jobs so to speak were on the line. That certainly lit a fire under the arses of the Floo Network Authority operatives.

Deep within the Ministry of Magic, Mrs. Prim, the undersecretary guards the entry to the Minister of Magic's office. The simply decorated office is slightly in disarray as books have been tossed onto the ground and a few ornaments from the Minister of Magic's time as a Ravenclaw tossed and even smashed in a rare fit. The stout witch's normally sleek bobbed hair is disorderly as Minister Eugenia Jenkins calms down in the privacy of her office.

Along with the rest of the Wizengamont, Minister Jenkins had been informed of the attack on Hogsmeade. The mention of the attack had sent her blood pressure soaring, but the following news truly had incensed her. The Floo Network had been sabotaged from within the Ministry of Magic. This had delayed the critical response time of the Aurors, A.P.D., and their allies.

Minister Jenkins was not proud, but she had roared at the Floo Network Operatives. They would immediately fix the situation and ensure there would be no future repeats, or she would have their heads on a chopping block! And she was fairly certain that the public would readily approve!

Sitting down heavily in her seat, Minister Jenkins oversees the mess of her office, before raising her wand and setting her office to rights. Thankfully, everything could be neatly repaired and returned to its original place. Much more in control of herself, she waves her wand as her door opens a crack.

"Please send Urquhart in, Mrs. Prim," Minister Jenkins requested.

"Certainly Minister," Mrs. Prim said, before letting out an unhappy sniff and permitting the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Elphinstone Urquhart inside.

The usual slicked-back dark hair of Elphinstone Urquhart is disheveled hiding his widow's peak. "Minister," Elphinstone grimly greeted the Minister of Magic.

Minister Jenkins does not immediately reply slamming the door shut behind him with a wave of her wand. She waved her wand again and triple-checked the wards before casting a few more privacy wards on her office. Finished she solemnly directs her attention to the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement. "What do you have to report, Urquhart?"

"Preliminary field reports are coming in," Elphinstone dutifully reported. "Hogsmeade is being successfully repaired as much as possible. The rubble is being successfully cleared away to determine if there are areas that need to be reconstructed. The wounded number in the hundreds," he paused.

With a grimace, Elphinstone adds, "There are at least 10 villagers dead including a handful of students."

Minister Jenkins presses her lips into a taunt line full of anger and sorrow. "Please identity the dead as soon as possible, I wish to personally meet with the families and express my personal condolences."

"It shall be done, Minister," Elphinstone promised, before continuing, "On the other forefront, we have identified the culprit responsible for the sabotage of the Floo Network."

"Who?!" Minister Jenkins pounded her fist on her desk unable to hold back her rage.

"Orford Umbridge."

"Who?" Minister Jenkins furrowed her brow in genuine confusion having never heard the name before.

"Orford Umbridge is a floor mopper within the Department of Magical Maintenance."

Minister Jenkins opens and closes her mouth several times. She sighs and rubs her face recalling the old Prince's warning and that of others including Senior Auror Moody and Auror Bones. "It would appear that we have a serious breach within the Ministry." She lets out another resigned sigh and waves her wand.

The door swings a crack open as Minister Jenkins says, "Mrs. Prim remind me to update the Ministry of Magic employment policy to include the hiring of house elves under magic contract as security and present the official magical contract to the Wizengamot."

Mrs. Prim startles for a second, before firmly jotting down the instructions with a pointed feathered quill. "I will make the necessary arraignments immediately, Minister Jenkins," she firmly replied before the door to the office of the Minister of Magic closed shut.

"The traditionalists will not be happy with such a change," Elphinstone drily remarked.

"When are they ever happy about change?" Minister Jenkins murmured in exasperation. Turning her attention back to the topic, she says, "An immediate order of arrest and trial will be issued demanding the arrest and trial of Orford Umbridge for charges of treachery against the Ministry of Magic, intent of conspiracy, and anything other legitimate charges you desire to tackle on, Urquhart."

"The arrest/trial warrant is already ready, Minister," Elphinstone replied before presenting a ready arrest warrant. "I anticipated the charges already listed including a few others. All that the warrant requires is your signature, Minister."

Minister Jenkins shows an expression of gratitude, before signing the warrant for Orford Umbridge. The ink had yet to dry when Elphinstone flourished his wand and the warrant neatly folded itself into an interdepartmental memo. The folded warrant blasted into the air impatiently waiting for the door to be opened before zooming out at lightning speed.

With the door once more closed, Minister Jenkin's face became flat. "Why did our spy not alert us of this attack?"

"Shacklebolt received a brief message of an imminent attack, but Holtus was being watched and could not give any further detail," Elphinstone grimly answered. "The captured Death Eaters under interrogation have confirmed as much that they were under the direct watch of Tom Riddle and the giants."

Minister Jenkin's face relaxed a tad bit at knowing their spy among the Death Eaters had not betrayed them. "Still, keep an eye on Mr. Holtus. Shacklebolt is young and inexperienced. He has given our spy much more rein than most handlers would."

"I already am, Minister," Elphinstone sheepishly admitted. "As my father always said, "Trust, but Verify."

Minister Jenkins nodded her head approvingly at the comment. "Good, now continue your report, Urquhart."

Elphinstone hesitates for a moment causing Minister Jenkins to impatiently snap at the wizard. "Well? Out with it, Urquhart!"

"There are several reports indicating that Professor Dumbledore is no longer the Headmaster of Hogwarts-."

"WHAT!" Minister Jenkins interrupted nearly leaping to her feet in shock.

"Professor Dumbledore has been relieved of his post by the guardian of Hogwarts," Elphinstone reluctantly answered. "Furthermore, these unconfirmed reports suggest that the guardian is a powerful albino serpent with the ability to speak as much as you and I. And even had the ability to make Professor Dumbledore twenty years younger."

Minister Jenkins opens and closes her mouth several times unable to speak. "Is this some sort of ill-advised anecdote by your staff, Urquhart? Because I assure you, it is in most ill taste."

"I am afraid not, Minister," Elphinstone unenthusiastically responded. "As unbelievable as these preliminary reports are they all concur. I would recommend Professor Dumbledore be contacted with a request for his immediate presence at the Ministry of Magic for confirmation of the transpired events."

Rubbing her now aching temple, Minister Jenkins says, "Presuming all of these accounts are correct. What are the implications of a magical guardian at Hogwarts?"

"I would suggest that Professor Bagshot be contacted," Elphinstone earnestly recommended. "Although retired, Professor Bagshot is one of the foremost magical historians and the author of 'A History of Hogwarts.' If the founders intended for there to be a magical guardian at Hogwarts, then Professor Bagshot will know."

Pausing to control his facial expression, Elphinstone hid his dislike for Chairman Malfoy. "It may also be prudent to invite the Hogwarts Board to be part of these conversations. There is no sense in having them twice."

"Professor Bagshot is rather old," Minister Jenkins admitted recalling their old History of Magic professor. "Her mind may not be as sharp as it once was."

"In that case, Master Strauss, the present professor of History of Magic may be another possible alternative," Elphinstone advised.

"I shall consider your proposal, Urquhart," Minister Jenkins somberly concluded. "Please send in Mrs. Prim after you if you will."

Elphinstone understood the implied meaning behind the Minister's words, the meeting was over. He did not have time to speak before Mrs. Prim passed by him and entered the open door. He barely cleared the doorway when the door slammed behind him grazing his robes.

Elphinstone blinks for a moment before striding away. He was only able to be so composed because he was able to confirm that his beloved wife, Minerva had been safely at Hogwarts. When the news of the attack came in, he was barely able to hide his nerves and fear that his wife might be caught in the attack.

Their newlywed home had suffered damages, but it was repairable. Their home could wait as long as he was able to confirm with his own eyes that Minerva is safe. However, that would have to wait. A luxury under these circumstances.