Elope with me

Ador's birthday had come. It was the usual way of celebration, year after year, like in the past. After offering prayers to the Lord Almighty for such a beautiful day, the entire family had payasam. Payasam is considered auspicious, in the Hindu tradition.

Then all three left for work. Ita was at home busy with relatives gossiping about future in India and the like, soap operas etc. In the evening there would be cake cutting and gifts. Dinner would be great as Kir had booked for home delivery, from a nearby Chinese restaurant, Chili Wok.

Ador just reminded her parents that post cake cutting at 4 pm, Dev would come to collect her and they would go out. Ita did not say anything to hurt Ador, but it was time, she thought, to talk with Bali.

Dev came all chic and handsome, sharp at 5.45 pm. Ador stood mesmerised. She thanked her stars that she got a good looking beau, whom others would envy.

Both boarded the innova. Ador had thought of dressing not the traditional way this time. She wore black jeans, low cut and a white shirt. She was chubby, and the jeans showed her curves in the right places. Her voluptuous boobs were an envy for her friends who lacked it. She looked way too cute and sexy.

Both held hands in the car. Ador's heart was fluttering wildly with the occasional jerks in the car when she would be held by Dev affectionately. She started relaxing, as there was a huge traffic jam and they reached hotel in around an hour's time.

Dev was treating her like a Princess. He was all sweet words blended in honey. Both entered the hotel lobby, arm in arm. First he took her to the restaurant and they ordered some refreshments. After some light snacks and a peg of whiskey, they did a small cake cutting, to celebrate the occasion. The waiters had all come to the table and sang with a guitar, birthday wishes. Ador was very very contented.

Dev said that he had a surprise waiting for her, in the room upstairs. Ador was perplexed. " Why a room?" He said it was to make her feel comfortable and pampered since she was precious to him.

She started feeling nervous. Yet she agreed so as to keep him in high spirits. Dev's face was flushed. His devilish eyes were all starry. She started fidgeting, but he took her hands in his and led her to room number 302.

He looked at Ador and said, " You are really a Bengali beauty, thick hair, chubby, sweet and intelligent. I think I am falling in love with you. " Ador blushed. She looked around everywhere but not at him. He suddenly took her chin, tilted it up and said, "look at me when I am speaking to you, don't you know, it's bad manners, to not look at the person talking to you? " She replied with a "hmm" and looked at him. Dev saw her all pink. He smiled, thinking what a love struck fool Ador was. He kissed her in her lips. Her lips quivered. He deepened the kiss. She tried to stop him, realising that he was trying to forge deeper inside her mouth. He pushed her to the wall gently and entangled both his hands with hers. She was imprisoned. All red, all flushing, imprisoned by his kisses. She did not feel this way she felt with Jeev . She felt all giddy , like swooning over, before a fall. She started to return the kiss. When Dev saw that Ador started responding to his kisses. He stopped and smiled. She looked up to him. He said I have a gift for you and gave her a necklace with semi precious stones. She was awestruck. She thanked him. He then stroked her mane put her entire hair on one of her shoulders, then he helped her put on, the necklace.

She looked dazzling in the mirror reflection. Dev too was bedazzled. He said he needed a return gift too and pinned her in one swift stride to the corner of the bed and started kissing her passionately. His voice was hoarse. He said " Am turning on, you are making me too hot. "

He started opening her shirt. She refused. He laughed and said " Don't worry baby, am going to marry you." He held her with one arm and with the other he unclasped her brassiere. When the voluptuous moulds got free from bondage, he moaned and started sucking at them. Ador went blank. She did not know what to do. He was touching at many places all at once and she had no escape from the little pleasures he gave her. It was her very first time of intimacy. She knew it was incorrect. She had to stop him. But she could not. Dev had pinned her in the bed and was pulling her jeans down roughly. She started crying. She said" Stop, please stop." But it seemed too late, he was unstoppable, he had taken out his little brother, ready to devour her, take away her sanctity, chastity. She was stupefied. She was sobbing as well as moaning to the havoc he was creating with his hands. Everything was on fire.

Suddenly her phone buzzed. All the sobs, the moans, the sweet nothings said by Dev came to a standstill. It was Ita. She kept on calling. Ador shifted herself, from under him, picked up the phone. Ita was worried. It was 11.30 in the night. She said that the family was waiting for dinner, to hurry back home. Ador said, "Yes Mummam, leaving in 10 minutes" Dev was furious, he was just a wee bit away from creating havoc with Ador, n here her mother created the rift. Ador's virginity was saved, thanks to her mother's unknowingly timely intervention. Ador got ready, but with tear strewn face. She said she wanted to go home. Dev laughed and said, "Why the hurry?" " It's time for you to leave your parents home and come to me. I know you love me. So do I. Your mother spoiled the sweetest gift I was going to give you. Don't be a cry baby. Let's elope. I have enough money, we go to a seaside town, enjoy our we time, full of tenderness, you and me, and then get back home. Why the rush? Your parents will still remain your parents. I have booked this room for two days, now come-on, give me a kiss, turn me on, babe" Ador felt low, very cheap. It was like a slap to her. His words seemed like an insult. Like she was too willing to be with him. She became all serious. "I want to go home and am going home, right now. "She stormed out of the room, without looking back and closed the door behind. Dev was at a loss of words. He did not know that this harmless pussycat would show her claws to him. He got tensed and ran after her.

She was hailing cab, when Dev came with his car and told her to get in, he would drop her home. She did not want to go with him. But he insisted. He said" Baby, it's either my way or it's my way. I will make you mine, little pussycat. If you want to be mine, solely mine post marriage then so be it. I will wait but I will have you coz you make me crazy and wild. You have become my junoon. I need you Ador to complete me. Now come in. I promise I will not touch you. Now come on, hop in. " She looked at him in the eye and then stepped into the car. The chauffeur driven car sped through the streets of south Kolkata, towards Ador's home.