No interaction from both ends

Ador reached home late, and as usual everyone was waiting for her. Nobody asked her any questions and all had dinner. This made Ador feel very very awkward. Dev also did not give her a call after he reached home. He felt insulted. This girl used to always escape from his grasp. His manhood was hard. He went to the toilet to release his frustrations. He told to himself, enough of the cat chasing the mouse. Now, he will think of something else. There are far more vivacious girls in Kolkata, why run after one.

Post dinner, everybody went to sleep. Unma was waiting for Ador to tell her the happenings of the evening. Ador changed to a night suit and showed Unma the necklace. She said," if you like it, you can take it". Unma said, "maybe I will borrow for a few occasions" Ador was feeling low. She thought to save herself from the cat and mouse game was much more important than to give in to pleasures. Did she do wrong by saving herself????

When Unma tried to coax Ador about the date, she tried to buzz it off saying about how she would be busy attending office meetings and the like. Unma thought it to be weird. Plus she saw that Ador used to check her mobile often and she was not busy with her late night calls, like her usual self.

Ador was always recapitulating of what went wrong, if there was anything she felt might have erred him. She detested herself. She was never in close interaction with the opposite gender. She could not find her flaws.

Dev was having a gala time. Sreedhar, his college buddy had come and they were busy having fun. Watching porn movies, going to discotheques, having too much alcohol and late night parties.

They were discussing on their feats with their current girlfriend , when Ador's name was muttered by Dev.

He said, "I met a girl, sweet and kind, timid and affectionate, but very alert. She does not drop her guard. Tried to coax her to sleep with me and ditch her once and for all, but alas, her good luck, she was not pinned down by me. "

Both had a hearty laugh. Sreedhar asked "Which number?" Dev smiled wryly "Unlucky 13th"