Stupid me

Sometimes, I feel like I'm so stupid. I want love from who doesn't have heart to love. I was shifted by work because my internship was completed, and I was going to get a full-time position. But bad luck, or should I say good luck that I became personal assistant of David. The first day of being a personal assistant was the day I never had in my life. Run here and there, pass the file, make coffee, buy lunch, but he didn't speak one word. If he needs me, he sends messages, and if I ask any questions, then he shows me his past assistant. She was going to be with me for one month after her resignation letter got accepted. So every time I have a problem , I ask her. She is so sweet, cute, funny and friendly. I ask her why you are leaving this big company. She said it was very hard for her to be his personal assistant. After hearing that, I was like sh*t it's my time now." She also told me that his every personal assistant worked for two years and left. And I was like, why two years only. She told me that it was two years because of contact. Nobody wants to stay with him even for a six month lease. Then I thought I was also in that two years or not. Let's see what he does that made them leave.