Pressure of work or love

Like I said, the ex personal assistant left after one month, and I was alone on the CEO floor. It was the top floor of the building. Interestingly, he called out my name after working for him one month. But he called me Sammy, not Samikshya. Does he still have memories of me? Because no one in the office knows my nickname. And I hate calling myself Sammy after he left me. That name was his memory for me. While he called out Sammy, my eye filled with tears. And in hurry, I said, "Please don't call me Sammy." My name is Samikshya. He came out of his table and said, "You used to like this name. What happened? Can't forget about past. Then I said it was like a nightstand for me it doesn't matter. He said, but your expression says other things. Then I said if you can read a person through their expression, then go and open a fortunes teller shop. Other people might get help from that. After that, I tried to leave that place, but he grabbed me in my neck and said I am your boss, and you are not allowed to rage your voice on me." And I was like leave I can't breathe leave. Then he kissed me. This time, I bite his lip rather than enjoying the kiss. Then.....