Felt sad

At that time, I was wondering why he didn't he message me by himself. Early morning, I asked for leave from parents, said them goodbye, and left. After 5 minutes of walk I reached bus station. It was 7:50 a.m., so I waited until it was 8 am. It was already 8am, but no one came to pick me up. I didn't dare to call him so I called his secretary. His secretary told me he will have meetings so he won't be able to pick me up. I was so sad and I directly went his home by bus. I was tired, so I took a little nap then after I cooked some dinner for him at night and waited for him in the dining table. But unfortunately he didn't come back. I was going to throw all the food I made but he came back. I threw all the food and went to the room without saying anything. He came to my room and said, "You didn't sleep the whole night." I ignored him and said nothing