did he cheated on me??

I was so sad. My tears were falling from my eyes. He gave me a big hug from back. We were in a big spoon position. He had rested his head in my neck because I could feel his breathing in my neck. He told me he was in an important meeting, so even though I was sad, I said it's ok and we slept. The next morning he went to the office then I got a call from the new number. I picked up, and a girl talked to me. She said if I was Mr. David girlfriend. I answer yes I am why are you calling me. She said, "Do you know where he was yesterday?" I told him he was in a meeting if you need anything you can call his secretary. I don't know more. She said he lied he was with me the whole night. If you want, I can send you pictures. I was like no it's not true then she cut up the phone and sent me pictures. In pictures, I could see David clearly, but she blurred her face. But looking at the figure, I felt like it was Nancy. In the evening, he said he wanted to eat food that I cooked. I was so mad, but I told him I was not fine today. I wanted to rest early. He said ok and left home