back to the past

it's been a month he was acting weird with me. One evening, he brought Nancy into our house. I was shocked and hurt at the same time. He told me she would stay here for a few days. I said ok even though I was sad. The next morning he went to the office and Nancy came to my room. She said, "Did he ask you out this day by telling me the date David proposed to me? I was like, how do you know the date? She said she rejected him that day, and he told her that he would find a substitute. I was like a substitute?? Then she told me the real person is here, so get out. I didn't say anything. I packed my back and left that place. I was so sad, so I went to Mike to share the whole thing. Mike consoled me and offered me to go to America with him. I didn't have a choice my parents also wanted me to go to America with Mike so I accepted it.