it's a boy

boy. I was happy even though it was a girl or boy it is my child. Mike and Shristi were debating as always for baby's name. Shristi decorated a beautiful room for dot. I was planning to have a child name starting from D because it is his dad name starting letter. Only a few months left, and I was having a happy life but sometimes past recalls, and I feel sad. Shrish and Mike started to like each other I could see in their faces, but they never admit. I am so happy that Mike and Shristi are with me. Another thing is I lied my parents. I don't want to marry, but I want a child, so I have a child with the help of sperm donor. I am so happy that my parents accept it even though it was a lie. My parents want me to return but I told I will in the future not now. Because it hurts if I go back there. The day of the delivery date came. Mike and Shristi were more nervous than me like they were having children. I was admitted to the hospital and