baby is out

the baby is out. He looked like me but got his eyes nose, the mouth of his father. I wished David was there. I kept baby name Samvid combination of our name. Because of baby I was slowly recovering from past. Baby was developing fast, and Shristi and Mike were like mother and father to him. They both take care of him like their own son. Even though I have to go out for some work, I should not worry about babysitting. My baby can walk now he runs here and there with Mike uncle. He has started speaking, and he says Mi to Mike and Ti to Shristi. Actually, they taught him their own nickname. He calls me Aama (means mother in Nepali). He became the age of 3 so fast, and my parents wanted to see him. I feel bad when my parents cry because they want us to meet. So I planned to go back and another good news was