The end of the first day.

Via was with Marcus, Joshua and Ebony on a table talking. They were just talking about where did they live before.

Joshua- ... I lived on a town close to this one. I could get here in only 2 hours of walk.

Ebony- really? That's cool! I lived on a port town all my live! It was a cool place to live. And being here on Shev, it had a lot of M-human like us and the flavors were everywhere!

Marcus- flavors?

Via- 'she can taste the magic that goes through our body.'

Ebony- yes! And Via's is the tastier!

Via- ...'and there's that.'

Marcus- anyway. I'm from Breystan. I've been almost all my live hiding my magic because... well, you know Breystan... in my town I was the only M-human, and I managed to hide myself in hopes of coming here in the future.

Via- hmm... 'that's why you are so new to the magic'

Marcus- exactly...

Via- 'I'm from Breystan too. I lived on song village, alone in the Melody manor. When I was five my mother disappeared and the only clue I have is this tower. So I begun to train.'

Marcus- what!? wait... how do you pay for things?

Via-... 'I worked as a hunter. You would be surprised by how much a deer costs on the market.'

Ebony- you were working since five? That's insane!

Via- 'not really. It was a good training. And with my archer and hunter classes, it was easy.'

Everyone here still had their parents, so they were confused and sad. Via knew that it wasn't normal that her mother left when she was 5... but it was her life. She wasn't resentful, she just wanted to find her again. So in her book, training and hunting nonstop was a perfectly viable course of action on her situation.

Via- 'I'm going to explore the floor before the day ends. I want to find a training room, or a library.'

Ebony- I would like to find a swimming pool! I can't believe they would think of having us here a year without a swimming pool!

Joshua- do you think there will be a store? I need some materials.

Marcus- then it's decided! Team, let's separate and find what it is in this first floor!

Everyone- yes! / 'yes'

Via begun to walk through the hallways, and saw that there were rooms for almost everything. There were rooms to practice every elemental type of magic, to practice melee fighting, healing magic, crowd control magic... everything.

Via- (I guess that they take seriously the part of improving our imagination.)

Via continued walking and found the library soon enough. It was on a hallway with the library on the left, and a shop on the right.

Via- (if Joshua doesn't find what he wants, I can show him this shop.)

Via entered the library, and found out that it wasn't that big. She asked the librarian and he told her that there is a library on every floor of the school. So the more advanced books are there.

Our favourite girl decided to read about her favourite theme. Unique M-humans. She likes to read about ideas for her class system, and the famous M-humans are her favorite theme. That's one of the reasons she sees 'M-humans of the week' every week.

She found out about a guy called Hammer-thorn. He would create thorns on the bodies of the monsters, and then hammer them with his trustful and obvious weapon. He's famous because he managed to pierce the heart of a dragon with his Hammered thorn combo.

Another M-human she found interesting was a villain called Crazing Eyes. He used his eyes to induce a illusion on people. The illusions were so strong that he had to handicap himself to use it only with his eyes so that the magic cost wouldn't kill him. He's famous because he managed to kill one of the first headmasters of ToMh. Then he was captured and executed.

The last M-human that she found interesting was the Copy-Cat Shadow. He was a vigilante that could copy the abilities of his enemies.

Via- (hmm... he probably managed to imagine a way for him to imagine what his enemy was imagining. A good idea actually.)

He was one of the best vigilantes but he died copying someone with far more magic on its body than him.

Via- (... maybe it was not that good...)

[Via, it's almost time for you to sleep. You should go to your room. This have been a useful first day, don't you think?]

Via- ... yes, yes it has...

Via went to her room, and found out that Ebony wasn't there yet. She heard Rose on the bathroom, so she decided to sleep before Rose got out.

Via- (who knows... I might be able to dodge her.)

[you can dream.]

Via- (... sometimes, I hate you.)

[I love you too. Go to sleep, brat.]

Via- (sure, sure...*sigh*)


Ebony could be seen swimming on a giant swimming pool. The pool had puppets to train combat underwater, but all of them were electrocuted.

Ebony- woohoo!! awesome!!