The Jester

The day of the 31st of December came at last. Melmark's roads, town-square, and various shops, stores, were in the festive mood. At the end of a dense year, the relief around the faces was written in bold. Aceline's new film would premier later at night. Five days elapsed since the meeting with the AHA. Staxius did well beside the Emperor's side. Good advice on the matter of state and how to intervene in the monster invasion. Rather than fight, they stuck to protecting the populous, a full-scale evacuation of the citizens was issued. The Alphian army stood steadily as pillars. Shelters and centers were at the ready inside Dostein and Subrea. Lodging in the form of hotels and more was provided free-of-charge. Many of Whuotan saw the truth of the revolt, the beasts had killed many o' folks.