Lady Shino Pierre Gaso

 "Very much true," laughed Dorino in the classic rich manner, "-for half-a-million, I think the connection might be a little overrated."

 "No, Mr. Dorino, I see thee worth every penny."

Returned to the appraiser, the man kept eyeing the ring, the jewel, metal, and design, all so uncommon. 

 "May I ask to where the masterpiece was made?"

 "Arda, my home. There are plenty of far more expensive items. Ardanian culture is one of our world's most rich and intriguing. Born in Alphia, thou art known to how the humanoid shape may vary according to their DNA. Such is a result of the united mindset of accepting one for what they are, I really admire it. Do come to visit, I think it be a good experience."