Librarian of Nexsolium

'Nexsolium…' the words stuck in her thoughts as if a catchy tune, over and over again, 'Nexsolium, Nexsolium, Nexsolium.'

 "Where am I?" asked she loudly. The floor seemed to be blue with clouds dotted around. It felt as if walking on the sky itself – the pathway continued forth without end. The walls were bookshelves made of gold as opposed to wood, the book themselves ranged in hue. Some were even semi-transparent and others flat-out invisible. 

 "You're in the realm of knowledge," said the voice, "-welcome to my domain," the sound, scattered, gathered onto one point, a spiral downwards into a figure. 

 "Welcome to my library," said the entity with a clean-shaven face, no hair, big deep eyes engrave onto darkened circles. They seemed to be farther into the skull than what one would expect. The clothes were all but a wizard robe with stars and the moon's crest dotted into stripes. "I'm Qhildir, God of Philosophy," said he taking a step forth.