Village of Earn [1]

 "Lord Death, please, I beg you, don't take her life, please, I'll find a way to resolve the issue, please, I beg of thee, she's the only one I hold dear."

 "No, judgment has lain claim on her life, Syhton shall die for the greater good. Her kind mustn't be allowed to live. Human chosen by gods to be their heir must never overstep their boundaries. I'm afraid she has humiliated the word of what it means to be associated with a higher being, for that, she shall pay. I gave thee ample time to find a solution, yet, there's nothing I see but cries and sorrow." A dimension invisible by most, three entities stood with one levitating. The God of Death stood with his scythe at her neck. A clean-cut severed the angelic wings of which she fell into the abyss. Creation intervened to seal her fate as the Goddess of Stars. The ever-eternal darkness sprinkled with her broken wings.