


 "Group five, circle them from behind."

 'What's happening?' wondered a boy opening his eyes for the first time. The hot soil felt blurry to the sight, dirt rose from the horses. People in armor, weapons, and magical items stood strong. 


 "Huh…" a green beast bigger than a human came from the right. "S-someone…" fear settled in, the beast bled from the arms, an arrow pierced its shoulder. The look of dejection amidst the sharp teeth, long crooked nose, and perky ears, it ambled forward with a club over the shoulder. 

 'I need to run… I'm going to die… W-why c-can't I m-move.' The sight had triggered fear.

 "CIVILIAN," screamed another who then delivered a downward slash. 

 "Are you ok?" -light brown hair turned with him giving a smile. Big, ever watching eyes, sparely crowded eyebrows, the nose was big and the lips bigger. A tag of black-color caught the attention.

 'W-Who is this?'