Town of Meke

Dark roads with darker alleyways led outwards of the town. The buildings changed to be lesser well-made than those center-bound. The standard of living seemed unequal. Each time they went past a dim alley, noises of which were mostly screams and sword slashes would be heard. The feeling of caution it gave was palpable. Misna was very much on edge. Aiea, Konne, and the want-to-be hero Arnold walked with the boy in the middle. The trip lasted a few minutes till a building; two floors high, barely away from the slums, made its grand entrance. 

 "Welcome back, lady Misna," said a traveling warrior.

 "Good luck on your travels," said she nodding at the pleasant man.

 "Before I forget," The large mess of armor stopped with the metals ringing against one another,"-the guild leader is wanting an audience. Go meet with him, there was a call from the officials at the Azure wall."