“-are my actions evil, or justified?”

By the time the second elevator was called by Julius, Igna left the premises. The cloudy ceiling, especially the menacing dark wave of spotted shapes yonder, deterred many o' bystanders. Public opinion was a sly ol' lady, a purposeful stroll through the electrified park, whereby few sat under trees, others leaned against a fence, glancing at the screen, or some reclined in their cars at an inclined parking slot. Reason states, the closer thee are, the worse grows the picture, and in a way, the largeness of the unique screen had a lot of disadvantages. Those up close who walked against the flashing lights were prone to fall unconscious or have seizures. To combat, the building which made the 'screen' was a barrier in itself – allowing just about enough space for spectators not to be harmed. So is to say, the farther one is, the better grows the image. All and all, Rosian Media Square was a landmark specific to Lei, Rosespire's Multimedia hub.