Mother and Son

A sense of guilty pleasure invaded the atmosphere, to see a young noble be snapped piece by piece felt sadistically satisfying. They watched, and for all-inclusive purposes, made no comments. The extinguished cigar landed beside the man's bleeding face. "-Call an ambulance," he sarcastically said, "-any legal problem, address it to, the Prince of Arda, Igna Haggard."

 "The devil of Glenda," gasped the officer.

 "Let it be a lesson, son of a count."

Frantic breaths ran into the waiting room, "-Jeya," the face shimmered, "-are you alright?" 

 "Avian," she replied, "-I'm fine. Teno's doing an examination."

 "What happened?" he sat not after dismissing men in police uniforms. She explained, his blood boiled.

 "Don't worry," said a reassuring voice, "-a gentleman rescued our children," she pointed forward, "-he's with the doctors."