Haggard's peril

 "Fenrir, Fenrir, legendary white wolf, why do you pout so before the spotless blue sky."

 "Don't," she exhaled promptly.

 "Tell me Fenrir, is something the matter, my friend?"

 "Adete," she took one look, thought to smile or frown, eventually landed on neither and kept straight, opting to lay her head against a very lush tree.

 "The reaction tells me a lot of this," she explained whilst hovering about in her smaller self, "-here," a splash of bat-shaped clouds spawned the figure of a student dressed in the complete package; uniform, a very outlandish backpack, and neatly tied hair, "-does this make it better?"

 "A student," she gazed unnervingly, "-is annoyance a habit or but a trait?"

 "Very harsh," she said skipping a few short steps to the tree's shadow, "-tell me, what's the matter, really?"