Chapter 141: Kraftvoll's Devious Plan

After entering another cave in the upper part of the mountain, Kraftvoll found himself trapped in a seishin spell conjured by another student. Fortunately, he had his summoned shadow familiar to distract his opponent.

While his shadow familiar was chasing his enemy, Kraftvoll decided to start saying his chant. He chanted, "I command thee, ye who constitute strength, let your passion burn the world to its roots, Blaze Overload!"

While he was chanting, red seishin essences started gathering around him. In the middle of his chant, those red seishin essences started to turn into particles of fire.

After saying his chant, Kraftvoll was able to conjure fire with immense heat. A moment later, it started to envelop Kraftvoll's body. With the immense heat that the Blaze Overload seishin spell had, it immediately melted and evaporated the seishin spell that froze Kraftvoll's left leg and foot.