Chapter 142: Evil Plan

After Kraftvoll used his Blaze Overload seishin spell to attack his enemy, the enemy was forced to insta-cast the Aqua Sphere seishin spell. 

Kraftvoll saw the circumstances as an opportunity to attack. He didn't want to waste any opportunity like this because he was constantly reminded by all the people who guided him to always exploit opportunities like these, especially in battles.

He immediately started chanting a seishin spell while her enemy was inside that spherical water barrier.

He chanted, "Ye who exemplifies the aspect of groundedness, allow my desire to be fulfilled, pull thy master's enemy down to your center, Gravitational Field!"

When Kraftvoll started chanting, an immense amount of brown seishin essences started to gather around him. The immensity of brown seishin essences that were gathering around Kraftvoll was proof that this seishin spell was at the same rank as the Explosion seishin spell that Stark had taught to Kraftvoll.