Chapter 202: Opening The Treasure Boxes

"You don't have to become so down when you surrender or run away. It's part of survival," said Teacher Kyleen to the frustrated three misfits.

Even though their homeroom teacher tried her best to cheer them, Kraftvoll and his sworn brothers couldn't help but still be depressed about the matter.

After all, they were able to face the one who gave them those scars. Although in this time around, the three of them couldn't muster their courage to stand up to her.

After seeing their reaction, Teacher Kyleen decided to not pursue this matter. Instead of rubbing salts to their wounds, she tried to change the topic. After all, she knew that it was something unbearable to talk about for now.

She said, "All of you managed to get these numerous treasures. I applaud you for being able to do this! How about we start opening these unopened treasure boxes? In that way, we would be able to know the treasures that are inside these boxes."