Chapter 203: Just Compete For It!

After opening all of the treasure boxes, Teacher Kyleen decided to suggest something. She said, "Now that every treasure box that you got is opened, you can start distributing it, Mr. President."

When he heard her homeroom teacher, Kraftvoll smiled and nodded in response to his homeroom teacher. 

After seeing the smile on the faces of the three misfits, Teacher Kyleen thought to herself, 'It seemed like they were able to forget their frustration after that. Despite their strong seishin cultivation, they are still kids. I must guide these geniuses as best as I can!'

After hearing the suggestion of their homeroom teacher, all of the students of the 210th class started to decide how they will divide the treasures that they had found. After deciding these treasures one by one, they were able to pick who was the right person for almost all of the treasures.