Chapter 287: I Forgot!

After realizing the plan of the enemy squad, Kraftvoll decided to kill all of them to make sure that no information is going to leak even more than the current one that was exposed.

After conjuring the Lava Barrage seishin spell, Kraftvoll commanded to his teammates, "We have to move, NOW!"

Although they were confused about Kraftvoll's sudden command, the elven prince and the others decided to follow their captain without any form of objection.

'It seems like both First Brother and I had thought the same thing in mind. They are really buying time because First Brother would not be in a rush if that is not the case,' the elven prince thought to himself as he observed his First Brother.

In the middle of their run, Kraftvoll suddenly activated his black seishin aura.

At the next moment, he began chanting saying, "As the symbol of the mysteries of the world, I instruct thee, envelop me by your gloominess, Shadow Cloak!"