Chapter 288: Decoding The Documents

As soon as they arrived from their mission, Kraftvoll decided to immediately go toward their regimental commander to report their mission accomplishment.

When he reached the entrance of the room of Regimental Commander Kyleen, Kraftvoll shouted at the top of his lungs, "I have something to report, ma'am!"

After hearing Kraftvoll, Regimental Commander Kyleen immediately responded to him saying, "You can come in, captain."

As soon as he saw his superior officer, Kraftvoll immediately saluted to her without a moment of hesitation. Seeing Kraftvoll's salute, Regimental Kyleen said to him, "All of you returned more quickly than I anticipated. You can be at ease now and report."

"Thank you, ma'am! We came here earlier than we initially expected because we managed to find some secret documents to the target of our reconnaissance," Kraftvoll reported to his superior officer.