Chapter 289: We Have A Situation!

"Good morning, captain!" whispered Belle to the sleeping Kraftvoll.

With that whisper of his girlfriend, Kraftvoll slowly opened his eyes. Upon seeing Belle standing beside his bed, Kraftvoll could not help but smile.

"You don't have to call me Captain when we are alone, love. You can call me that way you always used to do," said Kraftvoll as soon as he woke up.

In response to her boyfriend, Belle just showed a bright smile without saying any words to his boyfriend. 

Seeing the response of his girlfriend, Kraftvoll sighed a little and he said to him with a wonderful smile on his face, "Okay, okay. You can stop acting cute now. I will start preparing, then. Wait for me for a bit."

Belle came out of Kraftvoll's room after he said those words. After a few minutes of morning preparation, Kraftvoll came out of his room wearing his uniform as a captain of the Golden Unit.

"Let's go, captain!" said Belle as soon as Kraftvoll came out of his room.