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A Traveling Doctor

A Traveling Doctor

Qingyang and Liang made the school both hate them and love them. They were the most naughty and stubborn members in the eyes of teachers. At the same time, their academic achievements are stunning. If they attempted in any exams, it's either first or second place.

"By the way, a while back I heard from Shan that the captain of the Dragon-Lord Special Forces seemed to be interested in recruiting him. That's the most powerful special force in Huaxia. Our brother is amazing." Nangong Liang said.

"Dragon-Lord Special Forces? That's brilliant!" Chen Qingyang smiled, but Liang did not find any sign of disdain in his eyes.

"What about you? I never thought that your family would just simply let you stay here. I know you better than anyone else; your family is insanely powerful!" Qingyang continued.

Liang raised his head slowly, looked up at the clear sky at a 45-degree angle, sighed and said, "It's all because I'm waiting for him!"

"Who?" Qingyang asked curiously.

Liang receives looked back. He smiled and said bitterly, "Yang, do you remember the strange doctor we met on the streets when we were only twelve years old?"

Qingyang stunned for a sec, then he nodded.

"I've been sick since I was young, and my illness can't be cured by any of those famous doctors around the world. They said that I couldn't even live until 18 years old. When I fell off the streets that day, I thought I was going to die. He saved me. He also said that if I lived to be 18 years old, came back here and meet him. Now I'm almost 22 years old this year, yet there was still no sign of him." Liang sighed.

"You cannot trust what a traveling doctor said. Look, you are living well!" Qingyang bit his lips and said.

"Yes, but I did. I believe what he said. If it wasn't because of that Qi form that he taught me, I'll probably be in a coffin right now." Liang said.

Indeed, today's Liang looks no different from ordinary people, and no one can imagine that he used to be a sick boy.

Without knowing how to comfort him, Qingyang patted Nangong Liang on the shoulder


Time passed quickly, and August was about to end. The osmanthus trees in front of Chen family's mansion, each almost two hundred years old, bloomed earlier than previous years. The fragrance of osmanthus was scattered in the midair, and it was pleasant.

Qingyang had breakfast with his grandmother as usual. After watching her grandson drank a big bowl of corn porridge, ate three big steamed buns, and poured a bottle of milk, the old lady's face was more cheerful than the sweet-scented osmanthus outside the door.

Chen's grandmother wasn't old at all. Two months ago, she just had her seventieth birthday. She took great care of her body; there weren't many wrinkles on her face, and you can still vaguely see her beautiful face when she was young. Occasionally, the old lady did find a few strings of white hair, but these were soon carefully pulled out.

After breakfast that day, Qingyang did not go out for a run because he'll be going to Fuhai University in the City of Hai.

After returning for a year, the grandma almost took care of Qingyang like a treasure box every day. It was like as if he would melt in her hands. Now he needs to leave for months without coming back to home. She repeatedly reminded Qingyang to take good care of himself, and they talked for more than half an hour. Qingyang was barely patient enough to finish listening without interrupting.

Before leaving, Qingyang refused to let the old lady go along with him to the airport. He simply packed up some clothes and some necessities, then got in the Audi A8, which Chen Bailang bought for his grandma.

The driver, a middle-aged man in his forties, was hired for a large pay. People said that he used to drive for national leaders. He rarely speaks and has a hard temper.

It was a soldier's unique ability: Qingyang also noticed that his hand was even wounded from practicing.

Qingyang doesn't know his full name; he only knew that his last name is Hu. So, Qingyang handed him a cigarette and called him Uncle Hu out of respect.

He's cold face showed a rare and awaked smile, and took Qingyang's cigarette. Then he started the car and drove directly to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Uncle Hu spoke for the first time. Hu asked Qingyang to call him next time when he came back home. He would drive to the airport to pick him up. Qingyang agreed and left.

Liang had been waiting at the airport for a long time. His appearance made him conspicuous in any crowd, like a crane standing in a flock of chicken. Qingyang found him without even trying.

However, Qingyang found a girl standing beside Liang, about five foot eight, with a ponytail, a delicate melon face, and a small mouth. She was looking around impatiently.

Liang never lacked attraction from women, even when he was young. The girl standing next to Liang is one of the most beautiful Qingyang has ever seen.

"What's up, Yang!" Liang smiled and waved. The girl looked back and stared into the "Yang".

Ordinary appearance, dark skin, muscular body, and normal clothing. Apart from the eyes, she can't find anything that stood out on this man.

No more than 60%. This was Lin Weiwei's first impression of Qingyang, of course, the reference standard is the 100% perfect Liang whos right next to her.