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Just Because He is My Brother

Just Because He is My Brother

"New girlfriend?" Qingyang asked with a faint smile.

"Just my classmate." Liang shook his head and said uncaringly. He wasn't even planning to introduce Qingyang to her.

Lin Weiwei showed a disappointed expression. She liked Liang since she was in high school. She even rejected her rare opportunity to study abroad and stayed back just for Liang.

Qingyang shrugged his shoulders and didn't say much more. Then he handed his luggage to Liang and said, "Lady, help me with my luggage. I'll use the restroom and be right back."

Lin opened her mouth slightly and showed a startled expression. She was sure she had heard it correctly. This 60% man called Liang by his most embracing nickname "Lady"!

Lin remembers that when she was still in high school, a boy in some other class called Liang a "Lady", and he got beat up in front of the whole school. For the next month, he stayed in the hospital bed.

Since then, everyone knew Liang's nickname, but no one dared to mention it anymore.

Just as Lin thought that Liang would be mad, Liang took Qingyang's luggage quickly, with no sign of being triggered; he showed a slight smile on his face.

Lin wasn't really happy about waiting for this 60% man already, and now she heard him shout out "Lady". She is mad.

"Hey, why are you so rude? Can't you hold your luggage?" While talking, Lin grabbed the luggage from Liang's hands and threw it back to Qingyang.

Qingyang looked back at Lin surprisingly. The two had just met for less than a minute, he didn't even talk much, why was she so mad?

"Pick it up!" A cold, almost freezing voice shot through the air and made Lin's body shiver uncontrollably. She turned around and saw Liang; his smile disappeared.

"I repeat, pick it up!" Liang said again in an unquestionable tone, his face is in an awkward expression, and people around him also trembled.

"I won't pick it up! Why should we even wait for him for so long in the first place? Why was he so rude and calling you by your nickname?" Lin shouted; she looked up reluctantly, but tears began to appear in the corner of her eyes. This was the first time that Liang had spoken to her like that.

"Lady, it's no be deal. Just let it go." Qingyang shook his head toward Liang. He doesn't want to mess up their relationships because of him.


A slap, crisp and loud, directly hit Lin's face. She couldn't believe what just happened due to the burning pain on her face.

Liang, who never hurts women, just slapped a girl!

"Just because he is my brother." Liang bent over and picked up Qingyang's luggage, gently patted the dust off, and looked at Lin again with a blank expression.

"Don't follow me anymore from now on." After that, Liang took his bags along with Qingyang's and went straight to the departure lounge.

Qingyang shook his head helplessly and followed Liang.

Just as Qingyang turned around, he saw Lin's face was full of tears. Qingyang even felt pity for her. Finally, Lin sat back on to the ground and burst into tears, but unfortunately, Liang still didn't bother to turn back.

Later, Lin rearranged her flight and didn't fly with them. Qingyang also tried to pretend none of this happened just then.

During their flight, Liang put on his headphones and closed his eyes. Qingyang, on the other side, took out another old book called "Platform Sutra" and started reading. He found it on his grandma's bookshelf. After looking through the first few pages, he found it interesting, so he took it after asking for his grandma's permission.

Two hours later, the plane landed at Hai Airport. Qingyang called his grandma, as promised, to report his safe landing. The old lady on the phone repeatedly warned Qingyang to be careful for another few minutes before she hung up.

Outside the airport, Chen Bailang's driver had been waiting for him. Looking at the bright red BMW in front of him, Chen Qingyang shook his head helplessly, the style of rich people, as always.

The City of Hai was an international metropolis. Every spot in this city is priceless, and never had this place ever lack people that are loaded.

However, as one of the most popular BMW 8 Series luxury cars, which Qingyang was sitting in right now, it still got numerous amount of attention.

Soon after, this valuable BMW luxury car parked in front of the gates of Fuhai University.

Fuhai University is an old school with more than a hundred years of history. It is also one of the few famous schools in Huaxia that can compete with The University of Huaqing and Yanda in Beijing. For most of the students, this is a school that only belong in their dreams. The score required was almost impossible for normal students to reach.

However, even if God closes a door for you, he will always leave a backdoor open. It's just that there weren't many people who can walk in through the back door. For those who have the protagonists' auras, of course, they only need to make a phone call. Qingyang is one of them.

This society is just so realistic. Chen Qingyang walked into Fuhai University while holding the admission notice from Chen Bailang.