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The Most Beautiful Teacher

Following Liang, an experienced senior, Chen Qingyang completed the registration procedure without a problem. It is not because there weren't many freshmen at Fuhai University this year. Instead, the number of new students recruited by Fuhai University this year is 20% more than in previous years. His speedy process was because there weren't many people in the archaeological profession that Qingyang had applied for, only a few were in line.

As Liang says it, Qingyang must choose this unpopular profession because he had nothing to do at home.

Just a few minutes ago, Qingyang was still a jobless young man who didn't even finish his high school. Now, he's already a freshman at the famous Fuhai University.

Standing in the crowd, he looked around and was disappointed by the fact that he didn't find the person he was looking for.

"Yang, I already told my roommates to come and have lunch with us. This is a chance for you to meet some new people in school. They are all good friends of mine." Liang said while taking a cigarette out of his pocket.

Qingyang thought about it and nodded slightly. There were not many people Liang considered to be "good friends". His roommates must all have some specialty, and Qingyang wanted to see him. But before that, he still had one more thing to do.

"Lady, I want to ask you something. Do you know a woman named Shen Mojun? I heard that she is a professor here at Fuhai University." Qingyang asked calmly.

"Shen Mojun? How do you know that weird woman?" Liang eyes squinted and showed a fearful look.

"What? A big man scared of a woman?" Qingyang asked curiously.

Liang smiled and said: "I don't think you can find anyone in Fuhai University that's not scared of her. Yang, why do you want to meet her?"

"You don't need to know, just take me to find her," Qingyang said with a smile, with his understanding of Liang, he should not be so fearful of a woman, unless Shen Mojun made him suffer in some great pain.

Qingyang cannot wait to see someone who can take advantage of Liang, this legendary man.

"Nope, I'm not going! No matter what." Liang did not hesitate to say no, even the cigarette in his mouth fell, then he stepped on a few times.

"I am afraid that you don't have a choice." Qingyang seized Liang's hand and grabbed onto him.

"Ow! " Liang shouted in pain and said, "STOP, stop Yang, I'll get you to her alright!" He didn't understand why Qingyang always looked so weak, yet there is always an immense amount of energy inside him.

"After you." Chen Qingyang released his hand and said with a smile.

After Qingyang's repeated insistence, Liang unwillingly decided to lead Qingyang to one of the office buildings. At first, Liang wasn't even planning to go up, but as soon as he saw Qingyang's evil-looking smile, he changed his mind.

The loud footsteps of two people rushing up the stairs. The woman who had been reading at the desk raised her eyebrows, who dares to come to her office?

When Chen finally first saw the woman behind the desk, his eyes suddenly brightened. Her black dress showed her slim body; the gentle smooth makeup matched her delicate and pretty face. Such a charming woman.

Qingyang still don't understand how Shen, a square-faced, ugly man, gave birth to such a beautiful and charming daughter?

Shen Mojun looked up and saw Chen Qingyang's eyes gazing at her. A sudden gush of anger came up, just as she was about chasing him out, she heard Liang's voice.

"Hi, Professor Shen," Liang said loudly while used his right hand to push Qingyang forward. Here's doesn't understand why, out of every teacher in the school, Qingyang wanted to come to the devil.

Shen Mojun stunned for a moment; she just noticed Liang was standing behind Qingyang, the anger shown in her eye didn't decrease a bit.

"Liang, how dare you? The first day of school, and you are here to mess around in my office?" Shen Mojun said coldly.

"No, no, no... You misunderstood! This freshman wanted to see you, so I just brought him here, and I suppose now my job is done." With that being said, it seemed as if Liang never met Qingyang before today. He even nervously pushed Qingyang forward again, signaling him to say something.

This is the first time, Qingyang saw Liang being scared. It was obvious Mojun made him suffer.

"Lady, you go ahead." Qingyang turned around and said to Liang.

There are some things, that Qingyang doesn't wan not to let Liang know about. Not because he did not trust him, but because it was not the right time.

Shen Mojun gave Liang cold, deadly look. How come Qingyang called Liang by his nickname. These two must know each other, is this a prank on me?

"Yang, I'll meet you outside, take care!" After that, Liang dashed out without wanting to stay in this building for another moment, he even closed the door behind him.

Now it's just Chen Qingyang and Shen Mojun in the room. Chen Qingyang's eyes seemed to be more daring, and he stared at Shen Mojun with a weird smile on his face.

"How dare you to look at me like that! Believe it or not, I am going to pull your eyeballs out!" Shen Mojun said with anger.