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I am a Special Enrollment Student

"Wow, you are just as fierce as you were described in the rumors." Qingyang smiled, then he walked next to Shen Mojun and sat down beside her.

However, Chen Qingyang didn't finish what he was about to say. Shen Mojun was even more beautiful than described the rumors.

Seeing Chen Qingyang being so rude, Mojun suddenly slammed her desk as hard as she can and screamed at Chen Qingyang: "Stand up, who gave you permission to sit down?!"

Chen Qingyang was not surprised nor scared, and his face still kept a faint smile. He said, "Well professor, don't be mad. It is easy for a woman to grow crow's feet when she gets angry."

"Little bastard." Shen Mojun lost her temper completely. She reached over the desk, trying to seize Chen Qingyang's collar.

Chen Qingyang's stopped staring at Mojun. Her speed was a bit unexpected; it even seemed a bit like Qin Na, some real Kungfu. Qin Na is a set of techniques in Chinese martial arts to quickly take control and lock the opponent's joints or muscles. And the keyword, of course, being "quick". This explains why Liang had suffered so much. Mojun is half a martial artist.

"Very interesting!"

Chen Qingyang stomped on the floor with his right foot. Both he and the stool slid back and quickly avoided Shen Mojin's claws.

Although Chen Qingyang's body had not fully recovered yet, he still has the speedy reaction of a solider. However, a shocking, sharp pain still came to his chest, where he had been wounded last time. Fortunately, at this point, he was used to it.

Shen Mojun never thought that she would not catch him. The momentum almost caused her to fall off the chair. She was stunned there for a second.

"This is a good angle." Chen Qingyang smiled and stared back at Mojun.

This time Mojun was surprisingly calm. Unlike last time she did not care about Qingyang's gaze, and slowly stood up.

"Who are you?" Shen Mojun asked. Her voice still cold, but now it was also mixed with curiosity. She looked into Chen Qingyang's eyes with complex feelings.

This was the first time someone was fast enough to avoid her Qin Na. She had practiced since she was only a little girl. Mojun did not think that this was just a simple coincidence, and indeed it was not.

"I am Chen Qingyang, a new freshman in this Fuhai University, majoring in Architecture," Qingyang said dryly.

Mojun looked at Qingyang with a suspicious look, then opened a web page on her desktop computer and searched for a while. She found the name "Chen Qingyang" on the list of all Fuhai University freshmen.

The only thing special about that name was that there was no National High School Final Exam score written beside it, instead, it was replaced with the words " Special Enrollment Student".

"You are a special enrollment student?" Mojun asked with a bit of shock.

"That's right." Chen Qingyang shrugged, thinking that it wasn't such a big of a deal.

"Humph! You lier! Every year Fuhai University has only five special enrollment slots and all five were pre-decided by the Board of Admissions. I knew every single one of their names, and you were not one of them." Mojun said coldly.

"Well, maybe they made an exception for me this year." Chen Qingyang said.

Mojun shook her head slightly. She suspected that Qingyang might come in by some sort of relationship. Her face became indifferent and thoughtful because she hated and despised those who relied only on their famous parents or powerful family backgrounds to get what they dreamed for, not with their abilities and test scores.

"Ok, then what is your unique specialty that made them have an exception on you?" Mojun tried to stay calm and buried her anger, if it was not because she was still interested in this Qingyang student, she would have blasted him out of her office.

"Does English count as one those 'specialties'?" Qingyang glanced at the pile of books on Shen Mojun's desk.

Among those books, there were teaching materials, teaching plans, classic novels. However, all of them weren't in Chinese, but in English. This made it obvious, that Shen Mojun is very proficient in English, and there's a good chance that she taught English.

As soon as the word "English" came out of Qingyang's mouth, joy replaced the indifference in Mojun's eyes.

"Are you sure that you are good in English?" Mojun suddenly wanted to laugh.

Everyone in Fuhai University knew that Shen Mojun, the most beautiful and charming teacher in the school, was not just a pretty flower vase, but a very knowledgeable, powerful woman. She graduated from a famous Ivy League school, and at the age of 22, she received her doctoral degree from that school. Her graduation thesis was posted on one of America's most authoritative academic website's front page for more than a whole month.

Later, Mojun spent three years and translated five English world classics independently. Her unique way of thinking and interpretation has been praised by countless translators both in China and abroad. They all claimed that she was a priceless treasure in the translation industry.

Numerous Fortune 500 companies didn't even hesitate to offer a high salary of tens of millions of dollars every year to hire Shen Mojun as their translation consultant, yet they were all rejected. What surprised the public, even more, was that after Mojun returned to China, she went to Fuhai University and became an ordinary professor. An English teacher. This made many sighs in disappointment.

Chen Qingyang, being a newcomer, obviously never heard about her achievements, otherwise, he would never say that he was good at English.

"Well, if you don't believe me, you can just simply test me," Qingyang said like as if it will like nothing for him, and there was an evil-looking smile lingering in his eyes.

He knew what Shen Mojun was thinking just by looking her eyes, Chen Qingyang can also tell that she was very confident in her English skill, and he was confident in his too.

"I am the master of my fate." Shen Mojun did not even think about it, before blurting out her favorite quote.

Her voice was soft and with a touch of sharpness, even those who do not understand English will still think that it sounds extraordinarily enjoyable and would be desperate for more.

"Repeat what I just said."

Shen Mojun stared at Chen Qingyang for a long moment, waiting for a reply. But to her disappointment. Chen Qingyang did not even bother to move his lips, and he just stood there without any reaction.

Sure enough, he is just as useless as a piece of rotten wood!

Just as Shen Mojun was about to get mad and prepared to blast Chen Qingyang out of her office, a thick and magnetic sound appeared.

"I am the master of my soul."