Chapter 3

When we reached the exact place ,

I followed him through the dirt road. He passed various people who saluted him. I looked at them confused. Seeing this he explained,

"They are my subordinates" , he paused and then added , " who work in this case along with me."

"Oh OK."

There were many vehicles stationed near the clearing. I became nervous as the time passed.

"Mr. Toblin I would like you to wait here until I return."

I nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. Many officers saw me suspiciously with their swarming eyes. I looked away ahead as I could no more take those rage filled eyes of the anonymous ones. I bent down and stared at the raw mud which seemed more interesting to me right now.

"Mr. Toblin , Come let's go." Robert voiced out.

"Where?" I asked, confused.

"To the crime site, where your friend Amelia Jones was found dead."

Blood rushed to my brain and I felt bitterness in my tongue , it was like someone was closing in me and choking me with invisible hands.

"Mr. Toblin, are you ok?" Mr. Robert asked.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, come let's go."

I started to walk ahead of him.


Mr. Robert ordered everyone to maintain silence for a consideration. He took me further inside a cave that was situated nearby. Yes , I remember this place. This is where I rested during the game.

"Mr. Toblin I'm afraid that I couldn't show you the body of your friend, but we have marked the reminiscence...."

'"It's.... OK."

When we reached the place where she was found, my heart stopped a beat. There was a mark on the wall.

"How is this possible!??"

I wondered loud.

"We found Ms. Jones being stabbed in a stake and hung on the wall . Her throat was slit open and blood spilt everywhere on her body. The medical reports of the post-mortem reveals that she has been choked to death, before her throat was slit. I think the latter was to make sure that she should die positively . I have been informed that everyone who was murdered have been your friends. So,I suggest that you be-"

The privilege officer on duty called for Mr. Robert. So, he stopped mid sentence and went to attend the call. Then my mind drifted to our past days of the journey. ….............

The first day I saw her, I felt a pull towards her, a brotherly one, like she was my sister. She was beautiful in her own way with black raven hair, smooth tanned skin, petite form, and a charming smile. She could make everyone smile with her own. The first time I spoke to her was when I asked her to bring a pail of water. That was how we became friends. During the game we helped each other with the equipment. She had a kind nature of helping others. But then that must have led to her downfall. During a night in the game, all the 5 of us sat around the bonfire and sang songs of our own interest, and made fun of each other. I remember this vividly because that was the most memorable moment for me, a wonderful night with friends. What else do you need. My chain of thoughts was disturbed by Mr. Robert who came back with a grim expression on his face.

"Mr. Toblin, we have to move to the next place as there seems, a problem persists regarding few issues that I have to solve....Can we?" He asked.

He motioned to the exit of the cave . I turned to leave with a final glance at the wall where she was found . I left the cave along with all the sorrows that I had , feeling guilty and helpless at the same time .