Chapter 4

The Mustang with its yellow fangs was waiting for us to get in . I followed the chief inside the car and placed myself comfortably .

"When did her .." , I was about to ask a question .

" It was all cleared before 6 in the morning today . I wanted everything clean before we arrived at the spot . I like to work clean " , he answered as if he expected the question from me.

"Actually my superior doesn't want you involved in this . But I personally requested you into this . Did you find anything peculiar ? " . His tone was casual .I was doubtful of whether he wanted my opinion .

" No sir . But those are my friends . Very close to me indeed . Thank you sir " .

I was not used to all these things . He grinned and turned around . He indeed believed me.

" Sir , did you find any clues or any other unusual stuff ? " , I asked expecting an honest answer .

" Nothing so important but it will help us later when we put two and two together " , he said with a satisfied smile.

" So where are we going now ? " , I asked so that I could get prepared for the moment . " To see Chris from Collingwood street ."

" What do you think is the most important clue to find the murderer Mr. Toblin ? " , he questioned me .

" Fingerprints , I suppose . "

He cast a you-have-been-spoilt-by-movies look on me .

"What do you think , then ? " .

" I'll explain you . These days the thieves , robbers and such filthy murderers aren't so silly to let their fingerprints and even if they left it without their notice it is not possible to check the fingerprints of every possible person . Can you ? And also a fingerprint lying beside a dead body doesn't mean it's owner is the reason for the death " .

" I get it . I came to the cave yesterday night during the game for a short rest and then I continued . So it is possible to find my fingerprints in the cave too . That doesn't mean I am responsible for that murder . Right ? I think it's relatable " , I said this as I understood the concept clearly .

" When did you go to the cave last night , sir ? " , the chief asked me .

" Around 9:40 I suppose " , I added .

He handed over a bit of paper to me . Amelia Jones's approximate time of death is recorded as 9:45 pm on the 25th of May , 2017 . It read .

" Did you see her or anyone else around ? . "

" No sir . I was instructed not to go there by the gaming company . But I wonder why did they do so " , I answered .

" I think you've started helping us , Mr. Toblin " , he added with a smile on his face . Now , how is this little piece of information going to help him find the murderer in any way ? It was all confusing .

Every body suited their jobs the best , I thought . Of course , no one can handle a needle like I do . There has been only a little place for sorrows in my life when my friends were around . I just hope that the chief truly understood me and the warmth of my tears when I cried for my friends .