Chapter 6

" The next spot is just a two minutes walk from here . Her name is Tiana I suppose " . I nodded .

She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen . She has been out with us only for the past three to four times . She will be the opposite of however you expect a young girl to react upon certain things . Perhaps , this would be a better explanation for her uniqueness .

An axe was hanging itself onto a tree , the cut starting from the bottom and raising upwards . The tree also had irregular marks everywhere around the axe .

" The axe was terribly mishandled " , I said looking at the axe .

It was only then the chief noticed the tree . " These days the woodcutters are not specialists in cutting down trees . However the costs alone increase " , I added .

" Who cuts trees in a reserved region of the forest ? " , he wondered . I did not think of it . " However sir , I was instructed not to go in the direction from where such sounds came ! " .

We further made our way to the spot where Tiana was killed . Her head was crushed until it was dead . Continual attacks with the bricks led to her death as her face was crushed and crumpled .

" Cleared everything ? " , the chief asked the inspector in charge Mr . Edward . He nodded . " The axe is with him " , he said me when I moved my eyes in an interrogating gesture .

" Why should all my friends be killed very badly and why am I left alone ? It's very confusing ! Maybe they wanted everyone's attention turned towards me . What are the possible clues we have got till now ? " . I spoke very fast .

" The red tie and The axe are the major ones , that's it " . Those weren't sufficient . "When will you start putting two and two together , as you call it ? " , I asked him again .

By this time I think he was very bored of answering my silly questions . Atleast I thought so by his reactions . However he didn't show it out when he replied back to me .

" Mr. Toblin just answer me this . You said you were instructed not to go where the cutting of axe sound comes from and where screaming sounds come from by the gaming company , didn't you ? " .

" Yes sir . It was written clearly in my rules and regulations card . I'm positive " , I answered .

" But the rules and regulations card taken from the pocket of your friend Chris does not have any such rules " .

" Wow ! So that's called putting two and two together " , I said these words by feeling the moment . I have kept it safely in my house inside my locker . Infact the rules and regulation card contained my number which I need to collect my prize money . Time to go home maybe . I thought .