Unsurpassed Growth

"I have, indeed. Is Master impressed with my progress?"

"You passed the trial, just as I expected. Your progress... however, is a welcome surprise. From watching you fight, I have realised that meditating is not suitable for you at all. It would seem that you are a warrior who grows strong through difficult battles. Therefore, you will spar with Master as much as possible."

Aerion nodded. "I am willing... but I would like to ask Master to accept two people into the Sect before that. In terms of cultivation strength, they aren't even worthy of the Freezing Snow Hall. But they've spent all of their lives in the lower realms, much like myself before, so that is to be expected. I ask Master to, at the very least, accept them into the Freezing Snow Hall."

"What are they to you? Answer this honestly and I may allow it."

"Well... one is my loyal friend while the other is my wife. In essence, they are important to me and I want them to be stronger."

Mu Xuanyin nodded. "A noble wish... hmph, very well. They will join the thirty-sixth Ice Phoenix Palace."

"You have my greatest thanks, Master."

"Keep it to yourself. Where are they now?"

"In my old room, where I was under Palace Master Bingyun," Aerion answered.

"Good, now they are none of your concern. Follow me."

So cold... she hasn't changed at all.

Aerion sighed.

She led him further into the Sacred Hall before turning around. "Draw your weapons and prepare for battle... do not hold anything back."

Aerion did exactly that. The Heaven Smiting Sword was in both of his hands as he opened Silver Calamity. However, this wasn't enough.

"I said do not hold anything back." She repeated.

Huh, does she know? From watching you fight... of course, she does! It would seem that she was spectating me and I was none the wiser. No point in hiding it now.

"You wanted to see this?"

Wings, horns and tail all emerged as Aerion entered his peak form. He holds the power of a late-stage Divine Spirit which is very impressive considering the fact that he is only twenty-four years old. Mu Xuanyin seemed to be satisfied. "Yes, that is exactly what I wanted to see. Now your goal is to survive for a minute."


"Yes, starting from now."

Mu Xuanyin lowered herself to the Divine King Realm before attacking Aerion. Even to his eyes, Mu Xuanyin was no more than a blur of blue light as she approached closer.


She managed to completely seal him in ice before he could even do anything. Survive for a minute? That seemed absurd, he couldn't even survive for a single second! This was the difference between a Divine Spirit Realm cultivator and a Divine King, a gap which many do not even dream of closing.

Crack... shatter.

The ice shattered and Aerion left his prison of ice. His breathing was heavy as he regained his footing. "How... how long was that?"

"You did not even last a second."

Aerion chuckled. "It seems that I will have to complete this challenge step by step, starting with one second!"

His eyes glowed with determination, he wasn't in the least demoralized despite failing completely. He understood that completing the task will take time and some patience... it wasn't something he could do today.

"Master, again."

"As you wish."

~A little over two months later

Aerion didn't take a single step out of the Sacred Hall in all of this time. He was, in effect, confined to the place. His body was broken countless times but he recovered each time, faster than the last. He broke through to the Ninth Stage of the Divine Soul Realm which meant that he could survive longer. It wasn't even close to a minute, but progress is still... progress.

He was resting from the previous spar when Mu Xuanyin reappeared before him. "The profound ark from the Flame God Realm has arrived." She coldly announced to him.

"Am I going, Master?"

"Yes, and you may bring along two disciples for companionship."

"Thank you, Master. I will inform them immediately."

Aerion had wished to visit them a few times but Mu Xuanyin did not allow it as he needed to focus on his training, apparently. He went over to pick up Robb first... it looked like he was in a state of meditation and close to a breakthrough, but that breakthrough was still a few days away.

"Wake up, you are needed somewhere else."

Aerion sent a light wave of his profound energy which sent Robb flying and forced him out of his meditation. Robb, naturally, stood up swiftly with clear frustration. "Who in Seven Hells... Lord, it's you!"

"It is unfortunate that I could not visit before... forgive me for interrupting you so suddenly."

"It has only been two months, My Lord, I'm sure you had your reasons. So, now that you are here... care to take a look at my humble abode?"

"Later, perhaps. Now we're heading to the Flame God Realm."

Robb didn't quite know about the Flame God Realm and so, he looked confused. "Flame God Realm...?"

"You'll see when we get there. Now, all we need to do is fetch Izanami and we'll be on our way shortly."

Aerion turned and went over to Izanami's room and she was meditating as well. However, she wasn't as focused as Robb was. Her eyes opened before Aerion managed to speak. "I've been expecting you... two months ago, hmph!"

"I was quite busy training... but that time is over, for now. We're going to the Flame God Realm, together."

"I see." Izanami walked closer and embraced him. "I was quite lonely, you know, but it's good that you finally came." Her eyes met his as their lips edged closer.

Robb chuckled as he left the room "Enjoy your time, Lord."

"We're going, now's not the time," Aerion assured him as he turned away from Izanami.

"Killjoy," Izanami muttered.

The trio met with the Snow Song Realm King, next to the Flame God Realm's profound ark. Mu Xuanyin was swift and decisive, in both actions and words, when Yan Wancang welcomed her. "Take good care of this king's disciple and his two companions. I don't wish to be disturbed by anyone unless it is something that concerns the ancient horned dragon. That will be all."

"Well, then. An ice room has been prepared on the right side of the profound ark. If the Snow Song Realm King has any further instructions, then please let us know."

She was already gone before he had finished speaking. Yan Juehai let out a light laugh. "Your master likes her peace, I suppose."

Yan Wancang noticed Aerion's aura and he was stupefied. "Divine Soul Realm level... Nine!?"

It was only a year and several months since he last saw him at the lowest stage of the Divine Soul Realm. This kind of progress was unheard of even in the vast God Realm... Yan Juehai soon noticed as well. "How...?"

Aerion casually shrugged. "A lot of hard, almost suicidal, work. If you'll excuse me, I need to rest."

"Of course, if there's anything you need, inform me immediately." Yan Wancang stated.

"I'll be sure to do that." Aerion nodded. "Robb, My Lady, let's climb aboard."

"My Lord has always been one of a kind... it isn't very healthy to compare anyone else to him," Robb stated before following Aerion.

"Indeed, it seems so." Yan Juehai muttered. "The Snow Song Realm King will have another Divine Master and soon."

Yan Wancang agreed. "If only he had stumbled upon the Flame God Realm instead..."


Aerion and Robb sat at a table, with some wine delicately placed, of course.

"Apparently, this journey is going to take about eight hours... that's more than enough time to catch up."

"There isn't much to catch up on, Lord. It has only been two months... ah, have you seen Senior Sister Feixue?"

"I have, a few times."

"Of course, you are the direct disciple of the mighty Snow Song Realm King! I bet she has approached you herself at least once..."

Aerion shook his head as he thought about it. "No, not really. I've been a caged bird for most of my time in the Snow Song Realm... why do you mention her, Robb?"

Robb seemed a bit nervous and Aerion started to suspect something, it provided him with a very interesting thought. "Are you... interested in her, Lord?"

"Gods, no. She is pretty but I can't be bothered with another wife unless there is still a woman who can really catch both my heart and soul with one glance. The real question is; are you interested in her?"

Robb hesitantly nodded. "Yes... I am."

"Cheers." Aerion laughed as he raised his cup of wine. "It's about time you found someone, I thought the day would never come!"

"Hahaha, Lord, it is you who strips the land of the most beautiful women and leave the less desirable leftovers for everyone else." Robb laughed.

Aerion shrugged. "They throw themselves at me... I can't reject all of them." His eyes focused on Robb as he spoke rather seriously "Do you think you have a chance with Feixue?"

"She's a core disciple... furthermore, she is colder than the weather beyond the wall. Honestly, I don't like my chances."

Aerion nodded. "It is true, she is quite unreachable... for now. But I'll help you reach her."


"Yes, I promise, if you think she's really worth it." Aerion stood up and finished his wine. "Though, you have some competition."


"Mu Hanyi, he will definitely be envious if you make some progress... but I can deal with him if he tries anything. I want you to think over this until we return to the Snow Song Realm. If your heart remains the same when we return, I'll do my best to assist you."

"Thank you, My Lord."

Aerion chuckled as he left to his personal ice room.

A heart of ice... even I have yet to melt one of those.