Simple Decision

"You mentioned this Aerion Targaryen to me previously." Qianye Fantian had summoned his daughter to his palace in the Eternal Heaven Realm. The room was completely soundproof and all servants were dismissed some time ago so the chances of their conversation being overheard were extremely low. "His eyes have made quite an impression on me and the rest of the God Realm... if we don't act soon then another King Realm may attain him after the Profound God Convention comes to a close. No, perhaps even before that. He also has that obedient follower of his who wields heaven-defying battle power... wherever Aerion goes, he will go as well, that is clear."

"I don't believe Aerion Targaryen would accept any other King Realm other than the Brahma Monarch God Realm, Royal Father."

"Hmm, yes, you did tell me of his intentions. The protection of the Brahma Monarch God Realm and a beautiful wife. He displayed multiple feats which should not be achievable by someone of his cultivation level and some of which should be impossible altogether. Aerion Targaryen might very well be the heavenly genius. Attaining him should be a priority... however, in the end, it is your decision to make."

"I am willing to do what must be done."

"Good, I intended to acquire his eyes through force but now I feel like that would be a waste of his talents. It might even backfire on the Brahma Monarch God Realm... with you as his wife, everything becomes much simpler. What is your first impression of him?"

"He is... unique, proud, extremely overconfident and he seems to be ambitious. Brave, too, very few people at his level would be willing to show such killing intent to a Great Realm King. I do not believe someone like Aerion Targaryen would disgrace the Brahma Monarch God Realm or myself... he is certainly worthy, I dare say that not even a thousand Southsea God Emperors would compare to him once his true talents fully emerge."

"Then it is agreed, I will offer your hand in marriage once he is announced as the victor of the Conferred God Battle. I doubt he would disagree... after all, it is what he wished for in the first place." The Brahma Heaven God Emperor smiled. "You have done a great duty by following him... without that occurrence, he might not have approached you and I would not have known of his special abilities and talent. I am truly proud of you, Ying'er."

"If you must meet with him, do not do so in public. This matter will remain private until the day comes." He instructed her.

"As you wish, Royal Father."

~In the Seventh Heaven Realm~

Aerion was resting on a field of grass.

"That spear was quite terrifying... I never knew that Robb had something like that in his arsenal."

"It's one of Naeron's profound skills, his favourite one, in fact. Countless minor gods were slaughtered by the God Piercing Spear... it is unavoidable and an instant kill unless you counter with something of equal strength."

"How strong were these minor gods anyway?"

"From the Divine Extinction Realm to the Creation God Realm. Heh, originally, there were only four Ancestral Gods; myself, Aerios, Celia and Vena. Each of us ruled over an important domain of the Ancestral Land... we were the first beings the Transcendent Being ever created. We were followed by the minor gods who were small in number at first, but their population drastically grew overtime. The number of Creation God Realm minor gods did not grow, however, as there was a limit."

"Hmm... so how did the others ascend to the Ancestral God Realm?"

"They surpassed the limits of the Creation God Realm through a strenuous and unique trial orchestrated by the Transcendent Being himself. Naeron passed with his martial prowess, Surge with his craftiness and Raela succeeded with her frightening ability to kill in a myriad of ways. After that, he allowed us to elect two other Ancestral Gods among a promising group of minor gods and so, we chose Nexus along with Helia since they didn't look strong in the slightest."

"Were you right in that regard?"

"Of course, Helia's and Nexus' strength lies in their ability to convince others. They should not be underestimated, however, as they know their way around things without using brute strength."

"I see... it sounds like fun, a strenuous and unique trial. I wonder if I were born at that time... hmm, do you think that I'd pass the trial?"

"It is likely that you would have passed with all those abilities."

The Mirror of Samsara glimmered for a moment.

"Strange, the Mirror of Samsara reacted to my words which usually indicates that what I said might be true in the future but that trial was millions of years ago," Rotias stated. "It can't happen in the future since it already happened in the past..."

Aerion shrugged. "Maybe it's just agreeing with what you said."

"Hmm, something feels... strange but I don't know why." Rotias sighed. "The Mirror of Samsara truly is the most mysterious out of the Seven Heavenly Treasures. Nevermind that, Shui Meiyin is approaching the Snow Song Realm's palace."

Weird... I feel strange as well.

"Really? You better hope it goes the way you predicted."

"What kind of woman could reject the little dragon's love? I don't believe there is such a woman alive... unless we're talking of Goddesses, then Vena certainly would but you wouldn't love her in the first place. It'll work, trust me."

"Hmph, you placed a terrible trap on me and now I have to pay for it."

Rotias laughed. "It's not terrible, she's kind of cute."

"I thought all mortals were unworthy?"

"One must make do with the best that is available to them," Rotias countered, sounding rather wise.

Aerion left the Seventh Heaven Realm and swiftly readjusted his messy appearance. Then he left his room and looked around for the special guest. She came seconds later and Aerion was slightly unsettled by her eyes for a moment.

"Hmph, I never thought Big Brother Aerion was this dirty."

Aerion chuckled. "Well, that's what you get for peeking inside of my memories but, if you wish, I can take responsibility."

"What do you mean by that?" Shui Meiyin smiled.

That's the perfect bait... whatever, I was ready for this. This is a good way of recruiting the talented Shui sisters and the Glazed Light Realm.

"I stained your mind with my terrible memories... something like that can never be forgotten and so, you can't return to your innocent self. Therefore, I'm willing to marry you as a way of taking responsibility."

"Wow, that was brilliant!" Rotias clapped. "You sound like some heavenly saint sent down by the Transcendent Being to finally bring light to the oh so dark world."


"Do you mean it?"

Aerion nodded. "Of course, I would have no complaints. However, you should know that I already have five wives, two sons and two daughters. I also plan to have many more wives... my sixth wife is all but married and there is a seventh who I have my eyes on."

With this statement, Aerion tried to dissuade her but it was no good.

"That's perfect! I'll have many big sisters to learn from along with some cute nieces and nephews to care for. My brother has eleven wives and he isn't anywhere near you when it comes to strength or appearance, you are simply being too modest, Big Brother Aerion!"

Too modest!?

Aerion was speechless for a moment.

This girl...

"I see, well, your father has the final say in the matter anyway..."

"He wouldn't reject, I'm one hundred per cent sure with the way your crushing through the Conferred God Battle! I'll tell him right now, in fact."



She moved rather swiftly with her special movement technique, however, Aerion could've easily given chase and stopped her but he didn't in the end.

That makes... eight? So much for seven, at this rate, the number of wives I'll have will inevitably surpass ten!

Mother, if you were alive, would you mind this many daughters-in-law? Father would probably be proud since he didn't exactly stay with one woman.

"If you had the power to bring back all those whom you loved from the dead, would you do it?" Rotias wondered.

I would not, that would be disturbing their rest in the afterlife. It depends on the matter of how long they were dead, actually.

"I see."

Aerion decided to return to the Seventh Heaven Realm and meditate for two nights since only the Losers would fight in the next day. The third round of the Conferred Gods Group was awaiting him. Once he awakened, the first thing he did was check who he was going to face.

Conferred Gods Group Round 3:

First Battle: Meng Duaxi vs Izanami

Second Battle: Shui Yingyue vs Robb

Third Battle: Jun Xilei vs Chao Feng

Fourth Battle: Aerion Targaryen vs Luo Changsheng

Luo Changsheng, one of my greatest friends... this will truly be a difficult battle. Robb should be able to defeat Shui Yingyue, Jun Xilei should erase Chao Feng and Izanami will instantly defeat Meng Duaxi. The round after this should be just as interesting. My three potential opponents are Robb, Izanami and Jun Xilei, after all.

Aerion sat down on his seat and, for the first time, planned to watch each battle play through.

"Can I use my Sharingan now since you already revealed yours?" Izanami asked.

"Of course, there's no point in hiding it any longer." Aerion nodded.

"Very well, now you're the one and only person I could possibly lose to. But I wouldn't fight my dear husband in the first place."

Aerion chuckled. "I would be conflicted if you did."

In the first battle, Izanami used the Sharingan's most based genjutsu which rendered Meng Duaxi completely helpless. He entered a state of unconsciousness... in a single moment! Then Robb fought Shui Yingyue, where he barely won after a long and drawn out battle. Clearly, Robb was restricting himself because of the previous battle but he managed to enter a state of perfect clarity after some time. That was when the battle tipped in his favour, leading to his victory.

Jun Xilei pretty much swept the floor with Chao Feng.

Now, one of the most anticipated battles was going to occur. It was revealed to everyone present that there weren't just three Divine Kings (Izanami, Aerion and Jun Xilei) but four! Luo Guxie, his master, removed the restrictions placed on Luo Changsheng's veins which allowed for his true cultivation strength to be revealed; the Second Stage of the Divine King Realm!

"If you hadn't shared that wine, I would still be on my first step of the Divine King Realm. Now, that we're both at the same cultivation level, I can finally observe your true strength in action."

"Don't you remember what I told you about my true strength?" Aerion inquired.

"Yes, I am aware. Your power goes far beyond that of the Divine King Realm, hmph, even so... I wish to observe the difference between us."

"Very well, I'll show you the power of a true Divine King!" Aerion activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan while also drawing Blackfyre from its beautiful sheath.

"Far beyond the Divine King Realm...?" Honourable Qu Hui muttered before announcing the beginning of the battle. "Third round of the Conferred Gods Group, Fourth Battle, Luo Changsheng, Aerion Targaryen, you may begin!"